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Not sure if issues with game, mods or mod manager?


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First off, this is my first time using a mod manager and it seems extremely convenient compared to the manual installation that I'm used to.


Anyways, I have had Skyrim before and have used a number of different mods with no problems (well other than a couple poorly made ones).

I have re-downloaded it recently (clean installation) and can't seem to get any to work. I've tried manually installing the mods and then gave up and downloaded Nexus' manager after re-installing Skyrim (again clean installation.)

Looks like it put all the files in the right places but still nothing.


If it matters my "Data Files" on my launcher is greyed (grayed?) out. I know certain mods don't show up there but I'm trying a couple different types, not just mesh/texture changes. (For example I'm trying out: Alternate Beginning(Live Another Life), Apachii hair, SkyUI)


For some reason I'm not able to find the original download I had so I went with another one (Pirate version)


Like I said I've done this before with different games but I know there is still quite a bit I don't know so any help is appreciated, I've exhausted my knowledge on the subject. :sweat:




Ahh nvm I forgot to add the correct lines under [launcher] in the Skyrimprefs.ini!!! Damn my absent-mindedness!!


Found your problem -

"For some reason I'm not able to find the original download I had so I went with another one (Pirate version)
Most of these actually work with a legal version

Banned for piracy, topic closed


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