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change spell color


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I'm unfortunately not in a position to load Oldrim and test this, but try going to textures > effects > gradients and open up the one you want to change. You'll need GIMP with the .dds plugin, or something similar, if you don't already have it. Go to the Colors tab, desaturate, then start playing with the brightness and contrast settings, in the same tab, until you get a look you like. Export as a .dds, make sure to give it at least a dxt3 (if not better) compression, and set it to generate mipmaps, then try in game. Don't close GIMP yet, though. If you don't like the look, make some more tweaks, then re-export it with the same name, and test in game again. If you feel you don't like any of the results, just extract your mod from the archive again, cut and paste that particular gradient over top of the modified one and you're back to square one.

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It could be. I looked at the mesh first, but it was white for me. Usually, if the mesh is colored, I end up having to change the mesh. When it's not, then I start looking for a texture instead. Mind you, my experience is limited here, so I could be way off base, but hopefully this will get you there.

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Something I neglected to mention...whenever you do any colorizing or partial desaturation, or if you mess with brightness and contrast at all, it's a good idea to start a text document and keep notes on the settings you used, like for example +30 brightness, +10 contrast, -25 yellow, +10 red, etc. That way, if you decide to do more items later, or if you're working on something as a set, you can make the changes identical from item to item, more easily.

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ya there were so many sliders i didnt know what was what so i ended up finding a dds file in a mod called holy flames and then multi layered that file with that same mods flamecloak dds and boom it looks great in game. For the shield i wanna do flames as well but idk how to do meshes at all so i may try my hand at taking this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5740, changing the color to white and putting it on another mod shield.

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