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Edoras (Rohan, Middle Earth) Lord of the rings Mod Project


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Hello all,

I thought I would announce here that I am currently working on and making good progress on a mod that will give the whole town of Edoras (the main town on the hill in Rohan), from the famous land of Middle Earth. I have high hopes and ambitions for this project but as I have not got endless experience in modding, scripting and texturing there are places where help could be welcomed, in exchange for full appreciation and advertising when the project is released.

What I am to include in this mod:

  • The full town of Edoras made from descriptions in the novels and through Peter Jacksons filming location.
  • Some of the surrounding environment of Rohan
  • Rohirrim guards complete with Rohirrim armor and colours
  • Rohirrim Flags
  • Famous NPC's such as King Theoden and Aeowyn
  • Working quests which somewhat follow the story of the Lord Of The Rings
  • Real voice samples from the actors from the movies
  • And many more!


I am not extremely confident with texturing, so my homemade ones are likely to be not of the best quality, so what I ask is if anyone out there is extremely confident and would like to be a part of this project then please get in touch via my email [email protected]


Here are sneaky preview screenshots to showcase some of my ideas, please note that these have been put together ROUGHLY on the creation kit and are just representations of the final product, and are subject to change.






Thanks all

Edited by Enjoiben374
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bumping is not allowed here. don't catch mod wrath.


It's a start, not sure what you want anyone to say. there are several giant huge mods already started for LOTR, have you contacted them and asked to join the team if they have one?

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um check out the lpteam they are working on a huge lotr mod project and i think are doing quite well, but there are at least 4 seperate LOTR conversion projects going, so i'd recommend contacting them and offering your help :)


oh and nice job dude, personally i'd add some rockiness in there to echo the picture a bit more, but its definately a good start!


also check out the category modders resources, im fairly sure theres some stuff there for LOTR....also just loook at lotr mods, there are definately rohan banners and sutff already about, just go and ask for permission to use their work in your mod :)....most people say yes!.....just make sure you gots permissions :)

Edited by tredmillion
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um check out the lpteam they are working on a huge lotr mod project and i think are doing quite well, but there are at least 4 seperate LOTR conversion projects going, so i'd recommend contacting them and offering your help :)


oh and nice job dude, personally i'd add some rockiness in there to echo the picture a bit more, but its definately a good start!


also check out the category modders resources, im fairly sure theres some stuff there for LOTR....also just loook at lotr mods, there are definately rohan banners and sutff already about, just go and ask for permission to use their work in your mod :)....most people say yes!.....just make sure you gots permissions :)


Thanks mate, i've had a look around and seen that they are doing a big lotr project so I will deffinitely get in contact. The pictures are from just a quick days job of messing around so it's not detailed at all :) just wanted to get an idea of where I'm going to take it. I'll be contacting them and if no luck i'll just work on it as a personal project. Thanks :)

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No longer need someone to texture flags as I have managed to make my own! A hell of a lot simpler than I expected it to be... I'll also be editing the Whiterun armor to add rohan colours and a cloak.


If anyone is still interested in making their own Rohan textures feel free to do so and send me screenshots and I may use them!

I am also looking for people who are specifically good at scripting and quest design, to discuss ideas of implementing NPC's from the lord of the rings and creating fun and interesting quests which follow the great story!


Flag Textures





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Hey Enjoiben! I am Kurtis Climer, Co-Leader of LPteam. I have reviewed the above photos and read that you are interested in joining us. If you would be so kind as to fill out our application form here:




I will review your application and contact you at once. Also check out our sites:





Or you can email us at:


[email protected]


Thank you!

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Greetings Kurtis!

Thank you for taking the time to post up on here that information, after thought, I think I'm going to keep this project as my own, as right now I would prefer the freedom to explore the mod how I would like it to be. If I have a change of mind, or maybe even when I am nearer or finished with this project I will not hesitate to apply. I am looking forward to seeing LPteams project come to life though, and until then I wish you guys the best of luck :)








Just because I want this project to be as individual as I can make it, does not mean I do not need help. Re creating a magnificent environment such as Rohan is no easy task and if I want to achieve the quality I would like to get then I will need help. What I am really looking for is people who are competent with texturing, scripters, quest designers and voice actors. Anyone else interested in getting involved do not hesitate to ask questions and there may be a job that needs doing. The complete list of things that I know I will need help with is not for certain as of yet, but this is a rough idea:

  • Graphic artist and texturers to provide objects which will make the most accurate recreation possible, such as simple clutter objects, Rohirrim armor and weapons, flags, banners and even buildings.
  • Quest designers and scripters to help create more interesting and dynamic quest chains involving recreations of famous characters from the fellowship and Rohan, including the likes of Wormtongue, Theoden, Aeowyn, Eomer, Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas and all the rest!
  • Voice actors interested in a place in the mod


If anyone interested could drop a message either here or to my email: [email protected] explaining why you would like to be a part of the project, and a small portfolio to showcase your ability in whatever skill you are offering that would be greatly appreciated!


*Anything you contribute to the product will still be yours, and you will keep all freedom of publishing your stuff as seperate mods anywhere you like, as long as you are not using anything from this project without permission.



a lot of this is just placeholders (The entire lower half of the hill and town for example), but progress is progress!



Edited by Enjoiben374
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