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Mishaps, misfortune and stupidity


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Firstly thanks for visting this thread! ^^ When you've ever been playing a came, have you ever done something stupid? Like stepping out of the shadows in splintercell only to bump right into someone you saw coming. Trying to kill off a whole town on oblivion. Running in full guns blazing in hitman. Missing a guy thats point blank then getting beaten to death. Or wasting all your ammo on a single zombie in Resident Evil.


Anything and any game are welcome ^^ just say what you done that was stupid or unfortunate. And if you've not got any just tell us anything thats happened that was funny ^^


One of mine is fighting the gatekeeper in the Shivering Isles naked, at level 1 and with my fists! ^^ I somehow managed to beat him! (It was a lucky punch because he done the healing thing as he fell over!) I've never been able to do it again...even with a decent weapon @.@

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In Alone in the dark 5 I got burnt by fire that made my guy go flying backwards then when igot up i got hit buy a electrical cable, went flying head first off a small ledge and cracked my head of a desk and died : ( I tryed to kill everyone in skingrad in obliveon but when i went to kill the castel the game crashed i also threw my self of dive rock but i think a lot of people have done that : )
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I beat the game in oblivion (all of it side quests and all) with a level 1 wood elf that had opposite skill on what you should put with no weapons or armor you could say thats cool.....................but the youd be wrong and when I was done I said "well Im bored now "IMA DO IT AGAIN"


that was the most fun day of my life its like it was yesterday wait was it yesterday I dont remember whatever..................What am I talking about crap now my mind is drawing a blank.




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Any Halo3 fans among us will be able to appreciate the absurdity of this one. I was playing a Team Slayer game(team deathmatch) on a fairly crowded map(The Pit) when I got into a gunfight with two members of the opposing team. Being outnumbered, I was forced to back around a corner once my protective energy shield had been drained. Thinking(incorrectly) that the two enemies were going to press their advantage and charge, I threw a grenade at the corner I had retreated around, hoping that they would run over it and that I would be able to take at least one of them with me. Apparently, immediately after throwing my own grenade, one of the enemy threw one of his(He threw a Plasma grenade, wich will stick to an enemy and then detonate). The blast from my grenade propelled the enemies grenade into the air, where it then fell down to attach itself squarely to my chest. Being the genius that I am, instead of putting distance between myself and the teammate who had arrived to try and help before I was killed, I jumped the wrong way, landing right next to him and the two barrels of explosives(fusion coils) beside him. Three guesses what happened next.
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Any Halo3 fans among us will be able to appreciate the absurdity of this one. I was playing a Team Slayer game(team deathmatch) on a fairly crowded map(The Pit) when I got into a gunfight with two members of the opposing team. Being outnumbered, I was forced to back around a corner once my protective energy shield had been drained. Thinking(incorrectly) that the two enemies were going to press their advantage and charge, I threw a grenade at the corner I had retreated around, hoping that they would run over it and that I would be able to take at least one of them with me. Apparently, immediately after throwing my own grenade, one of the enemy threw one of his(He threw a Plasma grenade, wich will stick to an enemy and then detonate). The blast from my grenade propelled the enemies grenade into the air, where it then fell down to attach itself squarely to my chest. Being the genius that I am, instead of putting distance between myself and the teammate who had arrived to try and help before I was killed, I jumped the wrong way, landing right next to him and the two barrels of explosives(fusion coils) beside him. Three guesses what happened next.


Oh man... nothing is worse than killing a team-mate with a grenade... well, maybe sticking one...


I was playing Halo once, and like the idiot I am, I threw a plasma grenade into the air. I spammed a grenade. Then, of all the bad luck, it lands on my teammate, and the opposing team only needed two more points. As I'm driving a warthog, I see him run towards me, him not realizing that he was stuck (it was on his back), and then he gets in the passenger seat. I try to get clear of the blast, and I do, but th warthog ended up flying towards me and hitting me. >_<

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Somewhere around the turn of the century in a little game called Starsiege: Tribes, there was a newbie who went by the name "Wrath_Of_Deadguy." As most newbies do, he thought he was hot poop. As is bound to happen when you drop an overconfident newbie into the most feature-complete online team-based shooter of its time, our hero decided that he was going to be the best at everything.


Among other things, Starsiege: Tribes had fully loaded bases including automated defense turrets. Players could use command stations to take over these turrets (which was probably intended as a way to manually control the defenses if the sensor grid went down, but our hero didn't know this). There were five types of turrets: Plasma, mortar, pop-out sentry, electron flux, and, most importantly of all, heat-seeking missile. Our clever little newbie saw the latter type of turret perched atop his base and realized that in it lay the potential to pummel with self-guided high-explosive death anybody in the air (which was everybody, since jetpacks were an integral part of the game) from the safety of the inside of his own base. Brilliant! He bravely seized control of this weapon, which had extremely long range but a much shorter detection radius, and proceeded to start "sniping" at the enemy with it.


It was only after about half a dozen or so teamkills that he realized an ugly truth: allied jetpacks generate heat too! It seems that the missiles would home in on whatever heat source crossed their flight path first! A ban or two later, he accepted that the firing of missile turrets was best left up to the missile turret- which was perfectly capable of discriminating between friend and foe when left to its own devices.




Fast forward about two years. No longer a newbie, I've migrated to Tribes 2 and become quite proficient at piloting the air vehicles. I can outrun missiles with a bomber, and am able to judge distance and speed so well that I practically never crash without "outside assistance." I've also fallen in love with what *real* pilots know as N.O.E.- "Nape Of the Earth," or flying at extremely low altitude. I can fly even the game's fat-arsed personnel carrier at its top speed (under full boost) a mere two meters off the ground! What I failed to take into account, however, was that it is not always a good idea to do this. On one map which featured lava lakes, I was delivering a full complement of heavy armors (big, slow, lots of weapons, poor jump-jet endurance) across to the enemy base, where they intended to blow lots of things up and generally not play very nice with the enemy team. I was, of course, flying so low that if there had been a spinning blade mounted on the bottom of the transport I could have mowed somebody's lawn with it.


Fast forward a bit; I'm flying across the lava lake, and an island situated right about in the middle of it, when all of a sudden *WHAM!* the transport gets hit by a quaint little weapon known as the Shocklance, inverts, and splats right into the lava. Turns out that while I was flying one way, an enemy infiltrator (complete with cloaking pack) was coming the other way and saw this large, tempting target come cruising by close enough to reach out and touch. He touched, and everybody on the transport (being in heavy armor and thus unable to jet away quickly enough) died. Had I been flying a bit higher (say, out of a light armor's jet range), the incident might have been avoided. Even if that light was still able to jet up and lance the transport, there might even have been time to recover before impact- or at the very least enough time for all of its passengers to eject safely and use their limited jets to direct their fall towards land. Instead, Mr. Hotshot Pilot wanted to look cool and show off his 1337 piloting skills. Out of my five passengers, none were impressed.

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Any Halo3 fans among us will be able to appreciate the absurdity of this one. I was playing a Team Slayer game(team deathmatch) on a fairly crowded map(The Pit) when I got into a gunfight with two members of the opposing team. Being outnumbered, I was forced to back around a corner once my protective energy shield had been drained. Thinking(incorrectly) that the two enemies were going to press their advantage and charge, I threw a grenade at the corner I had retreated around, hoping that they would run over it and that I would be able to take at least one of them with me. Apparently, immediately after throwing my own grenade, one of the enemy threw one of his(He threw a Plasma grenade, wich will stick to an enemy and then detonate). The blast from my grenade propelled the enemies grenade into the air, where it then fell down to attach itself squarely to my chest. Being the genius that I am, instead of putting distance between myself and the teammate who had arrived to try and help before I was killed, I jumped the wrong way, landing right next to him and the two barrels of explosives(fusion coils) beside him. Three guesses what happened next.


Ouch!! Bet he wasn't to happy about that!

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Halo 3...i've done so many stupid things on that i can't count them! FORGE is the best mode to muck around on (at lest in my case anyway) but i cant say i've played online on forge (no xbox live for me T.T cant afford it) but playing on an local (system link) with friends can be so much fun! ^^


One time when we where all having a brawl on viking (the one where your in the valley that has the bases at either end, i've not played in a while so i've forgotten the name) Rikku and myself got bored of hammering or shooting the living daylights out of each other so we both spawned a tank. (This didn't sit to well with any of the others and we both got mobbed straight away...and massacred) well after spawning one in secret we started jousting with them in the air (holding them up in front of us and just flying at each other) it wasn't long intill Rikku accidently dropped hers and it crushed one of the others, then we got interrigated to just why we were flying around with tanks....they laughed when we told them. ^^


Another one was when i threw a plasma at Jill but i forgot in the heat of things that it was a light bridge and the plasma bounched back up and attached itself to my croch...i went flying off the bridge a few seconds later

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Ouch!! Bet he wasn't to happy about that!

Actually it gave him a pretty good laugh. It was my best friend, so he was pretty cool about it. Oh, and the map you mentioned in your second post, I think you're talking about Valhalla. It's probably my personal favorite.

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