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Mishaps, misfortune and stupidity


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Ouch!! Bet he wasn't to happy about that!

Actually it gave him a pretty good laugh. It was my best friend, so he was pretty cool about it. Oh, and the map you mentioned in your second post, I think you're talking about Valhalla. It's probably my personal favorite.


Ah thats the one! I had totally forgotten the name! Thanks ^^ And that really good he could laugh about it....its pretty annoying when someone starts moaning when you've messed up. Always great to play with others that will forgive that sort of stuff and can laugh about it ^^

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My favorite has to be sandtrap big expansive and that big tower with four different pedestals you could set up spawn points and a plethera of scoped weapons very awesome









p.s why is awesome good and awful bad


p.s.s CHEESE

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