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Alikr Quest problem with Mod


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I did a terrible mistake once; my quest with the 2 alikr warriors in whiterun was bugged and the 2 guys got stuck in Whiterun (after the quest had been completed). While I was modding, i made a terrible thing indeed; i deleted them and placed them again where they were in vanilla in the CK.


However, since i have done that, the 2 alikr warriors don't show up or when they do, they don't "start the quest", they're just standing in whiterun saying nothing (when starting a new game).


So my question is simple: i would like to take those 2 alikr warriors from Vanilla (skyrim.esm) and put them in my mod (overwrite them over the one i had added).

How can I do that? Can I export the 2 actors from Vanilla, and Import in my Mod.esp?


I'm really stuck and have tried many ideas without success, and now when i play with my mod, the quest is simply always broken - it never starts...


please need help! hopw you understand my problem!

Edited by Tsewe
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