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Spellbook mod Papyrus help


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i'm trying to script a spellbook mod to more easily manage player spells through a crafting system.

i've got the way to add spells simply by adding thier spellbook to your inventory.

but to remove a spell has been more complicated. i'm trying to create a crafting recipe that adds an item with a script attatched to it.

i want it to remove the item itself along with the spell when it is added from crafting station menu

so i have this. it compiles but doesn't behave the way i intended. i just get the item and the script doesn't run.

so here's the script and any help would be appreciated.



Scriptname zzzforgetsoularrow extends ObjectReference


Spell property zzzsoularrow auto

Objectreference property zzzforgetspellsoularrow auto


Event OnAdd(Actor AkActor)

if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(zzzforgetspellsoularrow) < 100)






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