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Resource Production - Lumber Mills, Iron Works, etc


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I'm curious if anyone has ever done a mod for creating viable resources like lumber mills? Obviously this would be more appropriate along side of a flora regrowth mod, however there are viable resource producers in the CW such as a brewery, iron works, and a lumber mill in FH. What about a mod that restores these and thus makes gaining those resources more viable?


I don't know if this idea would be better served as a type of specialty settlement or as a quest location where you have to clear out raiders, mutants, etc in order to reactivate the facility.


This idea could work lumber mills, stone quarries, or any other type of resource.

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To better clarify, I'm thinking of a custom settlement such as the lumber mill in Far Harbor which generates a resource such as wood. This would be similar to the way we can plant crops such as corn and come back to that settlement later and have a boat load of corn waiting for us.


I seen a mod recently that sorta does this with manufacturing cotton. Works like any other crop, but your settlers harvest cloth from the cotton plants. Why not a similar mod where you can plant trees and come back every so often to find your settlers have harvested wood? It would work great along side other mods which are making use of custom idles for hammering, sawing, etc. and with static items (I forget which mods have models for this) such as cut lumber, stacked logs, a carpenter's saw horse and work bench, etc


This might function best as a type of specialized scavenger bench which only has wood in its leveled list, with a high production rate (say 30 + per day), and a 100% chance to actually produce.


Perhaps only certain settlements would be able to do this. A good custom settlement might be the stone quarry between Sanctuary and Ten Pines and have that area generate stone / concrete which static items like concrete mixers, etc that can be placed around the area (possibly locked for use only in settlements flagged to generate such resources)

Edited by lazloarcadia
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The more I think of this, the more I'm certain this would work best as a custom settlement vs a quest location. Perhaps with the option to create such production resources locked only to appropriate settlements (like the quarry mentioned above).


Still thinking about this, and decided the production of the finished wood might work best as a form of manufacturing assembly line sorta contraption.

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