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Okay, Okay, I'm sure theres at least ONE other request for them out there somewhere, but I'm not hunting through 900 pages of mod request for it...

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted something on this site....


Anyway, I know all of you hardcore Diablo fans (like myself) remember the infamous Hell Bovines, and the secret cow level.

Now, I don't know if any of you hardcore fans actually got MAULED by them, like I did (How the hell was I supposed to know there would be so many?), but I'm certain you fell in love with them all the same.

I'm also sure at least one of you hardcore Diablo fans has some skill with modding and modeling, though I wont make presumptions.

All I'm saying is, the secret cow level should be brought unto Skyrim, and the ancient and terrible weirdness that is the hell Bovine unleashed upon her hapless inhabitants.

Let's face it. Skyrim Cows are abused and butchered half the time, and utterly ignored for teh other half. It's time tehy called for help.



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