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About Far Harbor, Children and Acadia


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So, I've might have wanted to win every unique thing in Far Harbor DLC, and that might have made me search for Far Harbor DLC endings in order to how to do that but I wasn't able to find any answers.

My question is, to the which point (quest?) I should do Children of Atom and Acadia quests, in order to get "Reformation" quest (ending?) while also getting most of the unique (legendary) items they have to offer?

In short (if I wasn't able to explain the situation, which I'm sure I wasn't able to do it very well), I want to have every good item both Children and Acadia has to offer (legendary weapon, armor etc), but I don't know at which point I should stop doing their quests in order to get a peaceful (it's "Reformation" ending, I guess) ending.


sorry for my bad English, if it is, it's not my main language.

Edited by Hafrumph
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