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Npc problem


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Hi,i'm playing "thieves guild of dc".There is the problem i can't overcome,"operator wilson" should be in vault 106 but he isn't.I have tried to spawn him with console command but i get error msg "Item 660066ac not found for parameter ObjectID".That's his editor id in Fo3edit,formid is 660066ad,but that doesn't work either.Any ideas?
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hamis22 - Hello!


The number/characters you want is to the left of the listed item in FO3Edit, in the left window.


Or in the right window, the number/characters in the FormID line.


"formid is 660066ad"


The first two characters of that will be the mod index number (66), this depends on where the mod is in your load order.


Sometimes Fo3edit can arrange your mods slightly differently to how they really load meaning the mod index it gives you is wrong.


If you use FOMM (possibly NMM but I can't say as I don't use that) you can find out the exact mod index of "thieves guild of dc" & replace those first to characters with that.


In FOMM the mod index is to the right of the mod.


Say you find "thieves guild of dc" mod index in FOMM is actually 64, your real number would be:




Hope this helps!



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