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Equipment mod request: FF4 Dark Knight armor and sword


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I'd like to request that someone create a mod to have armor in Skyrim dark knight very similar in appearance to this picture:




With a shield something like this (the colored one obviously):




With, of course, versions for both genders.

As well as a one handed dark sword, Shaped something like either one of this guy's swords, put both in preferably: http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/features/CT1-1/Demonic%20Dual%201.jpg

(You'll have to look at those pictures yourselves, they won't post properly on this forum for some reason.)

Perferrably with a constant dark glow, something like this:




If possible, I'd like it to be craftable, with the same crafting requirements and statistics as comparable pieces of daedric equipment. I'd also like a enchantment either be automatically added to the equipment or ones added to the enchanment table that could be separately added to equipment like vanilla enchantments have to which increases the effectiveness of the armor and sword the higher the crime and death acts of your character in the character statistics sheet are, such as:


-How many people you've killed overall. Only people factor, not creatures, undead, or daedra, the innocence of the people would not factor (Like, say, each armor piece with the enchanment would go up 1 point in protectiveness would for every 50 people you've killed, and the sword's damage would go up 1 point.)

-The combined total of what your character has stolen, including random objects, horses, pickpocketing, and so on. (minimal effect, say, every 200 thefts the armor goes up by 5 points, sword damage 1 point.)

-Bounties would not factor. (So the player could be a heroic Dark knight if they wanted to.)

Can't think of any other statistics, but if you can, feel free to add them.


Well, that's it, thank you in advance to any modders that make this happen.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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