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Crash at Startup (Bethesda Spash) but no conflicts in LOOT


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(Apologies if the answer is somewhere else...)


Like I said in the title, I'm currently going through a modding session, and I've reached a point where it crashes and quits on startup, sometimes after the Bethesda spash, sometimes before.


Anyway, LOOT is showing no conflict at all, and I have no idea how to navigate/understand Wyre Bash.


Dumping Load Order in attachment and hopefully someone will enlighten me as to how I am an idiot.


Thanks in advance.


(Edit, this isnt the Special Edition forum, oops)

Edited by EvilGeekWasTaken
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It could be memory, skse settings, or video/enb settings. I think it's not likely to be a mod causing this kind of crash, but doesn't hurt to check and prevent other crashes.

I would use Wrye Bash to show problems with missing or unsorted masters, as well as load order. Launch WB and just click ok with all mods selected, and then rearrange or fix every plugin until they're all green. Use TESVEDIT to sort masters if you need to do that to plugin. LOOT is fair for catching obvious load order problems at first, but not great for a large number of mods. I found that once I had taken the time to edit all the meta data in LOOT, I've learned how to sort mods myself on the fly. I haven't used LOOT in a long while.

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