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plz help. Ctd when entering high Hrothgar


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help i am pretty experienced with modding but i can not figure this one out. i have scowred the internet trying to find anything, but found nothing. i have ran loot and cleaned everything with ssedit.

every time i enter HH i ctd no mater what. i have disabled many of the mods i have went in with no Armour or weapons and no followers but nothing ctd every time. if any one could help me out i would very much appreciate it


here is my load order



Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
Gray Fox Cowl.esm
Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
Cutting Room Floor.esp
dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp
Vivid WeathersSE.esp
JKs Skyrim.esp
Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp
Helgen Reborn.esp
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
Animated Weapon Enchants.esp
Better Dynamic Snow.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
dD-No Screen Blood.esp
Veydosebrom - Grasses and Groundcover.esp
RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Unsorted.esp
Improved Eyes Skyrim - Serana.esp
Improved Eyes Skyrim - Vamp.esp
Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp
The Brotherhood of Old.esp
Populated Cities Towns Villages Legendary.esp
ZIA_Complete Pack_V4.esp
Run For Your Lives.esp
Shadowmarks for Player Homes.esp
Mystic Condenser.esp
Ars Metallica.esp
Higher Bounty Rewards.esp
BetterQuestObjectives - BCS Patch.esp
Immersive Patrols II.esp
Tools of Kagrenac.esp
ZIA_Daedric Pack_V4.esp
notice board.esp
The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
Circlets and Masks with all Robes and Hoods.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - Bruma Patch.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp
ZIA_Ancient Pack_V4.esp
Unique Uniques.esp
HOR-Flora Respawn Fix Patch.esp
RSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.esp
Mystic Condenser - USSEP Patch.esp
Lionheart - Johnskyrim.esp
20 More Perk Points.esp
Alduin V1.esp
Shadowmourne SE - Johnskyrim.esp
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp
Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp
Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp


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still haven't figured it out so i decide to screw around in the logs and got a little lost so if u know how to read these and can offer any advise i would appreciate it.




[09/08/2018 - 05:06:57PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[09/08/2018 - 05:06:57PM] error: Native function GetEquippedArmorInSlot in empty state could find no matching function on linked type Actor. Function will not be bound.
[09/08/2018 - 05:06:57PM] Function GetNthModDependency in the empty state on type Game does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[09/08/2018 - 05:06:57PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[09/08/2018 - 05:06:57PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 153600 (max total)
[09/08/2018 - 05:06:59PM] Cannot open store for class "DLC1TestPhilAtronach", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:00PM] Cannot open store for class "MASLuckOfTheEmperorScript", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:00PM] Cannot open store for class "Mycastanotherspellscript", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:01PM] Cannot open store for class "LCKOnReadDeed", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:01PM] Cannot open store for class "CCO_LearningTokenScript", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:01PM] Cannot open store for class "MC_SCRIPT_ConvertSoulGemFragments", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:01PM] Cannot open store for class "wispCoreScript_lyu", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:02PM] Cannot open store for class "dbm_equipscript", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:02PM] Cannot open store for class "DBM__QF_DBM_TKHandler_0700592B", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:02PM] Error: Unable to bind script DBM__QF_DBM_TKHandler_0700592B to DBM_TKHandler (6100592B) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:02PM] Cannot open store for class "FFIBBarrierScript", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:02PM] Cannot open store for class "AetherialBoltScript", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:03PM] Cannot open store for class "CustomINISettingsControllerScript", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:03PM] Cannot open store for class "INISettingsCtrlPlayerAliasScript", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:04PM] Error: Unable to bind script dbm_equipscriptalias to (5F019F49) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:04PM] Cannot open store for class "SUTAlcoholScript", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:04PM] Error: Unable to bind script SUTAlcoholScript to (3D01991D) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:04PM] Error: Unable to bind script DA04OghmaInfiniumScript to (00032795) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:05PM] Cannot open store for class "LA_MaskBust", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:05PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B26) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:05PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B09) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:05PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B0E) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:05PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B03) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:05PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B1E) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:05PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B12) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:05PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B06) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:05PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B17) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:05PM] Error: Unable to bind script FFIBBarrierScript to (7C004961) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property CompleteThis on script FFAOBOnContainerChange attached to alias RitualTome on quest FFAOBMainQuest (19003DFB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] Error: Unable to bind script TBOCritoAfterMQScript to alias Crito on quest TBOAfterMQSidequest2 (3B083EE6) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] Error: Unable to bind script TBOAfterMQRelicTrackerScript to alias Player on quest TBOAfterMQSidequest1 (3B0BCA29) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property FCQuest01 on script FCStartQuest attached to alias Note on quest 000FCQuest01 (66012BB9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] Error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (9C01ED3C) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] Error: Unable to bind script INISettingsCtrlPlayerAliasScript to alias Player on quest CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (BC3CC095) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property ArmorOrcishNoHelmetOutfit on script TBO_SF_TBO11IrbranValaScene2_0305F6E1 attached to (3B05F6E1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property DLC2MoragTongFaction on script TBO_SF_TBO13ScenesScarsHushed_04009655 attached to (3B009655) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property ScourgBarrow on script dlc2bookdungeoncontrollerscript attached to DLC2BookDungeonController (04016E21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property NecroBlackBookQuest on script dlc2bookdungeoncontrollerscript attached to DLC2BookDungeonController (04016E21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property Pack01 on script SF_DwarfSphereQ01Scene02_0577888E attached to (3F77888E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property DwaSpShanatSeltri on script SF_DwarfSphereQ01Scene02_0577888E attached to (3F77888E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] Error: Property NPCTilma on script QF_SkyforgeSteelWeaponsQuest_02003DEF attached to SkyforgeSteelWeaponsQuest (26003DEF) cannot be bound because (0003BDE9) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property AttachedTo on script TGRPlayerHouseShadowmarkScript attached to (460012F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property BrolQuest on script FCPalaceEntryTriggerScript attached to (66093739) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property TK_DweButton_02 on script TK_SCRIPT_DwePowerSwitch attached to (5B43D467) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property SayA on script DimonoiderTonMeter attached to (3FB44530) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property Dwe on script DimonoiderTonMeter attached to (3FB44530) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property TitanMaxHealth on script MASKagrenarScript attached to MASKagrenar (17005E60) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property BadShader on script MASFirstAnswer attached to (17005E69) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property AttachedTo on script TGRPlayerHouseShadowmarkScript attached to (46000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property CenturionMusic on script FCSunRotates attached to (660AD741) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property UlrinScene on script FCSunRotates attached to (660AD741) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property MUSJudgment on script FCSunRotates attached to (660AD741) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0B0CE0F1) cannot be bound because (0B08ACC2) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property SkyrimClearRE_A on script cwisanclightingscript attached to (1D32B96E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property ArmorOrcishNoHelmetOutfit on script TBO_SF_TBO11ValaAzukScene_030509A5 attached to (3B0509A5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property Alias_WraithguardREF on script dbm__qf__0514d59b attached to DBM_AMJournalQST10 (0914D59B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property Alias_KeeningRef on script dbm__qf__0514d59b attached to DBM_AMJournalQST10 (0914D59B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property Alias_SunderREF on script dbm__qf__0514d59b attached to DBM_AMJournalQST10 (0914D59B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property LA_Disabled on script RE_EnableDisableScript attached to (632CA298) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property LA_Enabled on script RE_EnableDisableScript attached to (632CA298) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property LeftHand on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property LeftFoot on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property LeftLeg on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property LeftArm on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property Skull on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property RightFoot on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property RightHand on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property RightArm on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property RightLeg on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property Ribcage on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0B0D3F2C) cannot be bound because (0B0D79CE) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property LA_Disabled on script RE_EnableDisableScript attached to (6302CCD4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property LA_Enabled on script RE_EnableDisableScript attached to (6302CCD4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property LA_Disabled on script RE_EnableDisableScript attached to (63027BCE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property LA_Enabled on script RE_EnableDisableScript attached to (63027BCE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] Error: Property Lightblub on script MirrorSculptSCRIPT attached to (6332CAC3) cannot be bound because (63075F60) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property DLC2crSprigganBurntFlames on script DLC2BurtSpigganFXScript attached to (3F989586) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property SaKe on script DimonoiderDSQ05Global attached to DwarfSphereQ05 (3F7BA642) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property SolidGate on script QF_aaaNecro_0300DDE9 attached to aaaNecro (5700DDE9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property OpenGate on script QF_aaaNecro_0300DDE9 attached to aaaNecro (5700DDE9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property PlayerRef on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (3B02A83F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property TBOUndil on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (3B02A83F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property InteriorIMODList on script INISettingsCtrlQuestScript attached to CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (BC3CC095) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property ExteriorIMODList on script INISettingsCtrlQuestScript attached to CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (BC3CC095) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property MASCoreHPBar on script MASCoreScript attached to (17011E84) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property TBO15MJirraDeathScene on script TBO15WulfDeathScript attached to (3B0207A6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property TBO15ValaMonologue on script TBO15WulfDeathScript attached to (3B0207A6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] Error: Property myBook on script DLC2ApocryphaBookMarkerTriggerScript attached to (18225243) cannot be bound because (18125087) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property PlayerRef on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (3B02A806) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property TBOUndil on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (3B02A806) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property MASCoreHPBar on script MASCoreScript attached to (17011E82) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property MASRedBeam on script MASShieldTrickLeverScript attached to (170165F5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property MASCoreHPBar on script MASCoreScript attached to (17011E88) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property Explosion1 on script MASMTSpawnScript attached to (1701AB32) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property PlayerRef on script TBO12FerilDeathScript attached to (3B08EE35) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] Error: Property CityShadowmarkControl on script TGRQuestBasedShadowmarkScript attached to (460049A6) cannot be bound because (00055C08) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property AttachedTo on script TGRPlayerHouseShadowmarkScript attached to (4600441B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0B06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0B06507B) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property MASRingDropScript on script MASMandynDeath attached to (1700E7FE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property AttachedTo on script TGRPlayerHouseShadowmarkScript attached to (46004415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property TBO13ClendilRef001 on script TBO_SF_TBO13CritoTwinsScene_040AD58D attached to (3B0AD58D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property TBO13ClendilRef on script TBO_SF_TBO13CritoTwinsScene_040AD58D attached to (3B0AD58D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property Caelia on script FCBathOutfitChangeScript attached to (6605D1B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property CaeliaShoes on script FCBathOutfitChangeScript attached to (6605D1B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property CaeliaDress on script FCBathOutfitChangeScript attached to (6605D1B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property AttachedTo on script TGRPlayerHouseShadowmarkScript attached to (46001DD7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] WARNING: Property NecroLichRitualQuest on script NecroBlackBookScript attached to (1822523E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] VM is freezing...
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:16PM] VM is frozen
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Reverting game...
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B0E) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B06) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B03) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B17) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B12) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B1E) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script dbm_equipscriptalias to (5F019F49) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B26) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script SUTAlcoholScript to (3D01991D) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script FFIBBarrierScript to (7C004961) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script DBM__QF_DBM_TKHandler_0700592B to DBM_TKHandler (6100592B) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script LA_MaskBust to (63027B09) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:17PM] Error: Unable to bind script DA04OghmaInfiniumScript to (00032795) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Loading game...
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Error: Unable to bind script INISettingsCtrlPlayerAliasScript to alias Player on quest CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (BC3CC095) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Error: Unable to bind script TBOAfterMQRelicTrackerScript to alias Player on quest TBOAfterMQSidequest1 (3B0BCA29) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (9C01ED3C) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Error: Unable to bind script TBOCritoAfterMQScript to alias Crito on quest TBOAfterMQSidequest2 (3B083EE6) because their base types do not match
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property ArmorOrcishNoHelmetOutfit on script TBO_SF_TBO11IrbranValaScene2_0305F6E1 attached to (3B05F6E1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property DLC2MoragTongFaction on script TBO_SF_TBO13ScenesScarsHushed_04009655 attached to (3B009655) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property Pack01 on script SF_DwarfSphereQ01Scene02_0577888E attached to (3F77888E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property DwaSpShanatSeltri on script SF_DwarfSphereQ01Scene02_0577888E attached to (3F77888E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property AttachedTo on script TGRPlayerHouseShadowmarkScript attached to (46001DD7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property BrolQuest on script FCPalaceEntryTriggerScript attached to (66093739) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property InteriorIMODList on script INISettingsCtrlQuestScript attached to CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (BC3CC095) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property ExteriorIMODList on script INISettingsCtrlQuestScript attached to CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (BC3CC095) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property TK_DweButton_02 on script TK_SCRIPT_DwePowerSwitch attached to (5B43D467) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property SayA on script DimonoiderTonMeter attached to (3FB44530) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property Dwe on script DimonoiderTonMeter attached to (3FB44530) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property TitanMaxHealth on script MASKagrenarScript attached to MASKagrenar (17005E60) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property AttachedTo on script TGRPlayerHouseShadowmarkScript attached to (46000D63) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property CenturionMusic on script FCSunRotates attached to (660AD741) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property UlrinScene on script FCSunRotates attached to (660AD741) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property MUSJudgment on script FCSunRotates attached to (660AD741) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property Explosion1 on script MASMTSpawnScript attached to (1701AB32) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property SkyrimClearRE_A on script cwisanclightingscript attached to (1D32B96E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property ArmorOrcishNoHelmetOutfit on script TBO_SF_TBO11ValaAzukScene_030509A5 attached to (3B0509A5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property Alias_WraithguardREF on script dbm__qf__0514d59b attached to DBM_AMJournalQST10 (0914D59B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property Alias_KeeningRef on script dbm__qf__0514d59b attached to DBM_AMJournalQST10 (0914D59B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property Alias_SunderREF on script dbm__qf__0514d59b attached to DBM_AMJournalQST10 (0914D59B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property LA_Disabled on script RE_EnableDisableScript attached to (632CA298) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property LA_Enabled on script RE_EnableDisableScript attached to (632CA298) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property PlayerRef on script TBO12FerilDeathScript attached to (3B08EE35) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property LeftHand on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property LeftFoot on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property LeftLeg on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property LeftArm on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property Skull on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property RightFoot on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property RightHand on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property RightArm on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property RightLeg on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property Ribcage on script RE_BurialScript attached to (63028A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property PlayerRef on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (3B02A806) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property TBOUndil on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (3B02A806) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property TBO13ClendilRef001 on script TBO_SF_TBO13CritoTwinsScene_040AD58D attached to (3B0AD58D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property TBO13ClendilRef on script TBO_SF_TBO13CritoTwinsScene_040AD58D attached to (3B0AD58D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property DLC2crSprigganBurntFlames on script DLC2BurtSpigganFXScript attached to (3F989586) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0B06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0B06507B) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0B0D3F2C) cannot be bound because (0B0D79CE) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property MASCoreHPBar on script MASCoreScript attached to (17011E82) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property MASCoreHPBar on script MASCoreScript attached to (17011E84) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property MASCoreHPBar on script MASCoreScript attached to (17011E88) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property BadShader on script MASFirstAnswer attached to (17005E69) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property CompleteThis on script FFAOBOnContainerChange attached to alias RitualTome on quest FFAOBMainQuest (19003DFB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Error: Property myBook on script DLC2ApocryphaBookMarkerTriggerScript attached to (18225243) cannot be bound because (18125087) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property MASRingDropScript on script MASMandynDeath attached to (1700E7FE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Error: Property Lightblub on script MirrorSculptSCRIPT attached to (6332CAC3) cannot be bound because (63075F60) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property PlayerRef on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (3B02A83F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property TBOUndil on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (3B02A83F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Error: Property CityShadowmarkControl on script TGRQuestBasedShadowmarkScript attached to (460049A6) cannot be bound because (00055C08) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property TBO15MJirraDeathScene on script TBO15WulfDeathScript attached to (3B0207A6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property TBO15ValaMonologue on script TBO15WulfDeathScript attached to (3B0207A6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property SolidGate on script QF_aaaNecro_0300DDE9 attached to aaaNecro (5700DDE9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property OpenGate on script QF_aaaNecro_0300DDE9 attached to aaaNecro (5700DDE9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property MASRedBeam on script MASShieldTrickLeverScript attached to (170165F5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property ScourgBarrow on script dlc2bookdungeoncontrollerscript attached to DLC2BookDungeonController (04016E21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property NecroBlackBookQuest on script dlc2bookdungeoncontrollerscript attached to DLC2BookDungeonController (04016E21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property SaKe on script DimonoiderDSQ05Global attached to DwarfSphereQ05 (3F7BA642) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property AttachedTo on script TGRPlayerHouseShadowmarkScript attached to (4600441B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property LA_Disabled on script RE_EnableDisableScript attached to (63027BCE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property LA_Enabled on script RE_EnableDisableScript attached to (63027BCE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0B0CE0F1) cannot be bound because (0B08ACC2) is not the right type
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property LA_Disabled on script RE_EnableDisableScript attached to (6302CCD4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property LA_Enabled on script RE_EnableDisableScript attached to (6302CCD4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property FCQuest01 on script FCStartQuest attached to alias Note on quest 000FCQuest01 (66012BB9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property AttachedTo on script TGRPlayerHouseShadowmarkScript attached to (46004415) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property NecroLichRitualQuest on script NecroBlackBookScript attached to (1822523E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property AttachedTo on script TGRPlayerHouseShadowmarkScript attached to (460012F9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property Caelia on script FCBathOutfitChangeScript attached to (6605D1B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property CaeliaShoes on script FCBathOutfitChangeScript attached to (6605D1B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Property CaeliaDress on script FCBathOutfitChangeScript attached to (6605D1B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Con80_FeedTheMonste_0101AAB0", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Con80_FeedTheMonste_0101AAB0 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_SpeakWithAnimals_Target_Script", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_SpeakWithAnimals_Target_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_SlumRat_Quest_010327AE", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_SlumRat_Quest_010327AE referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Enc40_GemDust_Perk__010389FC", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Enc40_GemDust_Perk__010389FC referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_DeathsEmperor_Quest_0103222A", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_DeathsEmperor_Quest_0103222A referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Loc30_BearTraps_Per_010306CB", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Loc30_BearTraps_Per_010306CB referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Ill90_PrecipiceOfMa_0102E672", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Ill90_PrecipiceOfMa_0102E672 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_wl_pollenmeter", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _wl_pollenmeter referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_BoneAltarFail_Script", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_BoneAltarFail_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_StealRef_Actor_Script", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_StealRef_Actor_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_ArcaneNexus_Quest_010394F7", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_ArcaneNexus_Quest_010394F7 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_Mutiny_Victim_Script", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_Mutiny_Victim_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_IllDEP_Incubus_Perk_01092B80", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_IllDEP_Incubus_Perk_01092B80 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Con40_BarrowLord2_P_01075FC8", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Con40_BarrowLord2_P_01075FC8 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_wl_conditions", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _wl_conditions referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_WL_VendorStock", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _WL_VendorStock referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_Boom_Script", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_Boom_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_PrinceWithAThousandEn_010C6705", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_PrinceWithAThousandEn_010C6705 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Ill70_DreamCharm_Pe_0101F18E", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Ill70_DreamCharm_Pe_0101F18E referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_AdvancedLab_Quest_0103D688", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_AdvancedLab_Quest_0103D688 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_PerkReset_Quest", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_PerkReset_Quest referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Ill40_EnticeBarter__0101DBD6", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Ill40_EnticeBarter__0101DBD6 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Variable TargetSkins on script CR03QuestScript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_RobbersEye_Quest_01031CAF", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_RobbersEye_Quest_01031CAF referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_SpiritTeacher_Quest_0106C681", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_SpiritTeacher_Quest_0106C681 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_WL_NPCLanternHandler", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _WL_NPCLanternHandler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_WL_SKSETypesDelegate", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _WL_SKSETypesDelegate referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_wl_compatibility", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _wl_compatibility referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_ORD_Tripwire_Quest_Scene__010379A9", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type SF_ORD_Tripwire_Quest_Scene__010379A9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_PrecipiceOfMadness_Qu_0102E66E", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_PrecipiceOfMadness_Qu_0102E66E referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_WildSanctuaries_Quest_0109F395", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_WildSanctuaries_Quest_0109F395 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_WL_SkyUIConfigPanelScript", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _WL_SkyUIConfigPanelScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_WL_OilMeter", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _WL_OilMeter referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Spe20_SpeakWithAnim_0102330B", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Spe20_SpeakWithAnim_0102330B referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF__WL_CatchTorchbug_020162FA", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF__WL_CatchTorchbug_020162FA referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_ConMAX_KingOfBones__010775A8", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_ConMAX_KingOfBones__010775A8 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_GameOfFate_Quest_0103221F", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_GameOfFate_Quest_0103221F referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Con20_BoneCollector_01072E16", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Con20_BoneCollector_01072E16 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_HeavyWeighsTheTapestr_0102E663", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_HeavyWeighsTheTapestr_0102E663 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_LocMAX_SeenThisBefo_00058209", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_LocMAX_SeenThisBefo_00058209 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_ORD_Ceremony_Quest_Scene__01039FD3", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type SF_ORD_Ceremony_Quest_Scene__01039FD3 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Ill70_FearTheReaper_0101F70F", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Ill70_FearTheReaper_0101F70F referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_ORD_Performer_Quest_HornO_0102125B", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type SF_ORD_Performer_Quest_HornO_0102125B referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Alc30_AdvancedLab_P_0103D68B", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Alc30_AdvancedLab_P_0103D68B referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Spe80_TrueName_Perk_01023308", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Spe80_TrueName_Perk_01023308 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Ill80_Nemesis_Perk__0101F194", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Ill80_Nemesis_Perk__0101F194 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_SpeakWithAnimals_Scri_0102386E", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_SpeakWithAnimals_Scri_0102386E referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_ORD_Performer_Quest_Irres_01020CE9", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type SF_ORD_Performer_Quest_Irres_01020CE9 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_wl_npclanternactions", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _wl_npclanternactions referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_SKSE_Script", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_SKSE_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_DreamGeas_Target_Script", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_DreamGeas_Target_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Ill90_DreamGeas_P_0101E143", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Ill90_DreamGeas_P_0101E143 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_wl_lanternoil_v3", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _wl_lanternoil_v3 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_BurySkeletons_Quest_030FDAD4", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_BurySkeletons_Quest_030FDAD4 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_SmhMAX_HeartOfCreat_0103C5F7", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_SmhMAX_HeartOfCreat_0103C5F7 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Alt50_CommandLock_P_0101B5AA", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Alt50_CommandLock_P_0101B5AA referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Loc80_Hotwire_Perk__010358D3", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Loc80_Hotwire_Perk__010358D3 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_ORD_SlumRat_Scene_Collect_01032D15", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type SF_ORD_SlumRat_Scene_Collect_01032D15 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_StealRef_Container_Script", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_StealRef_Container_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_Hotwire_Quest_010358BF", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_Hotwire_Quest_010358BF referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_Ceremony_Quest_01039A6E", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_Ceremony_Quest_01039A6E referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_MindSpiders_Quest_010A5FCB", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_MindSpiders_Quest_010A5FCB referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Variable ::BFBdragon_var on script BFBdragonFlyoverSCRIPT loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Variable ::BFBquest_var on script BFBdragonFlyoverSCRIPT loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Ill80_LambOfShadow__0101F19D", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Ill80_LambOfShadow__0101F19D referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_ORD_Performer_Quest_Earth_010222AA", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type SF_ORD_Performer_Quest_Earth_010222AA referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Loc80_Lockdown_Perk_01034DEC", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Loc80_Lockdown_Perk_01034DEC referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_wl_strings", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _wl_strings referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Variable ::ItemTracker_var on script FreeformWinterholdCollegeBScript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_IllDEP_MindSpiders__010AE76F", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_IllDEP_MindSpiders__010AE76F referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Smh40_AdvancedWorks_0103BAFE", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Smh40_AdvancedWorks_0103BAFE referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_TheReaperComes_Quest_01084DAD", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_TheReaperComes_Quest_01084DAD referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_Performer_Quest_Irres_01020CE8", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_Performer_Quest_Irres_01020CE8 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_Performer_Quest_Script", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_Performer_Quest_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_HostileTerritory_Ques_010BFB1A", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_HostileTerritory_Ques_010BFB1A referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Alt60_Aurification__0101D0CD", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Alt60_Aurification__0101D0CD referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_SpeakWithAnimals_Periodic_Script", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_SpeakWithAnimals_Periodic_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_Performer_Quest_0102077A", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_Performer_Quest_0102077A referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_ORD_Performer_Quest_Scene_0102077B", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type SF_ORD_Performer_Quest_Scene_0102077B referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_BoneCollector_Quest_0107283D", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_BoneCollector_Quest_0107283D referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_Mutiny_Quest_010342F0", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_Mutiny_Quest_010342F0 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "_WL_Startup", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type _WL_Startup referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Con80_Necromaster_P_01019A7D", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Con80_Necromaster_P_01019A7D referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Ill90_BlindGuardian_0101F722", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Ill90_BlindGuardian_0101F722 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_DreamGeas_Quest_0101E144", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_DreamGeas_Quest_0101E144 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "PRKF_ORD_Ill40_DreamThief_Pe_0101DBD7", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type PRKF_ORD_Ill40_DreamThief_Pe_0101DBD7 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_HeartOfCreation_Quest_0103C5FA", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_HeartOfCreation_Quest_0103C5FA referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_WildSanctuaries_Object_Script", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_WildSanctuaries_Object_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_AdvancedWorkshop_Ques_0103BB03", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_AdvancedWorkshop_Ques_0103BB03 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_ORD_ThePowerIsMine_Quest__0102A518", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type SF_ORD_ThePowerIsMine_Quest__0102A518 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "ORD_AggroTrigger_Script", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type ORD_AggroTrigger_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ORD_WildFamiliar_Quest_0101C094", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Unable to get type QF_ORD_WildFamiliar_Quest_0101C094 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Variable ::Alias_MGRejoinMirabelle_var on script QF_MGRejoin_0005A609 loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Variable ::Alias_MGRejoinSavos_var on script QF_MGRejoin_0005A609 loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Variable ::Alias_MGRejoinTolfdir_var on script QF_MGRejoin_0005A609 loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Variable ::Alias_QuestGiver_var on script QF_MGRejoin_0005A609 loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Variable ::RejoinCount_var on script QF_MGRejoin_0005A609 loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Variable ::SuspensionQuest_var on script QF_MGRejoin_0005A609 loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_LocMAX_SeenThisBefo_00058209 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:29PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Alt50_CommandLock_P_0101B5AA in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Ill80_LambOfShadow__0101F19D in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Smh40_AdvancedWorks_0103BAFE in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_WildSanctuaries_Object_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_BoneAltarFail_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Spe80_TrueName_Perk_01023308 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type SF_ORD_Ceremony_Quest_Scene__01039FD3 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Loc30_BearTraps_Per_010306CB in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type SF_ORD_Tripwire_Quest_Scene__010379A9 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_Hotwire_Quest_010358BF in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_DeathsEmperor_Quest_0103222A in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_HeartOfCreation_Quest_0103C5FA in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_PerkReset_Quest in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Enc40_GemDust_Perk__010389FC in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Alc30_AdvancedLab_P_0103D68B in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_MindSpiders_Quest_010A5FCB in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Ill40_DreamThief_Pe_0101DBD7 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Ill40_EnticeBarter__0101DBD6 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_SKSE_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_BurySkeletons_Quest_030FDAD4 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_HeavyWeighsTheTapestr_0102E663 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_AggroTrigger_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_IllDEP_Incubus_Perk_01092B80 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_DreamGeas_Quest_0101E144 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Ill90_BlindGuardian_0101F722 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Con20_BoneCollector_01072E16 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Ill80_Nemesis_Perk__0101F194 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Loc80_Lockdown_Perk_01034DEC in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_AdvancedWorkshop_Ques_0103BB03 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Con80_Necromaster_P_01019A7D in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _wl_strings in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_SkyUIConfigPanelScript in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _wl_oilmeterinterfacehandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_OilMeter in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_Startup in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_SKSETypesDelegate in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _wl_pollenmeter in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _wl_pollenmeterinterfacehandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF__WL_CatchTorchbug_020162FA in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_VendorStock in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _wl_npclanternactions in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _wl_conditions in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_GameOfFate_Quest_0103221F in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type SF_ORD_ThePowerIsMine_Quest__0102A518 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type SF_ORD_Performer_Quest_Earth_010222AA in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_IllDEP_MindSpiders__010AE76F in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_Mutiny_Quest_010342F0 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Spe20_SpeakWithAnim_0102330B in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_BoneCollector_Quest_0107283D in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type SF_ORD_SlumRat_Scene_Collect_01032D15 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type SF_ORD_Performer_Quest_Scene_0102077B in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_Performer_Quest_0102077A in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_ConMAX_KingOfBones__010775A8 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_Boom_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_SpiritTeacher_Quest_0106C681 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_WildSanctuaries_Quest_0109F395 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type SF_ORD_Performer_Quest_HornO_0102125B in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Ill70_DreamCharm_Pe_0101F18E in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_SmhMAX_HeartOfCreat_0103C5F7 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_Ceremony_Quest_01039A6E in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_SpeakWithAnimals_Periodic_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_SpeakWithAnimals_Scri_0102386E in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_WildFamiliar_Quest_0101C094 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Con40_BarrowLord2_P_01075FC8 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type SF_ORD_Performer_Quest_Irres_01020CE9 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_ArcaneNexus_Quest_010394F7 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Con80_FeedTheMonste_0101AAB0 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_SlumRat_Quest_010327AE in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Alt60_Aurification__0101D0CD in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_HostileTerritory_Ques_010BFB1A in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_RobbersEye_Quest_01031CAF in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Ill70_FearTheReaper_0101F70F in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_Performer_Quest_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_Performer_Quest_Irres_01020CE8 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_PrecipiceOfMadness_Qu_0102E66E in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Loc80_Hotwire_Perk__010358D3 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_TheReaperComes_Quest_01084DAD in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Ill90_PrecipiceOfMa_0102E672 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_PrinceWithAThousandEn_010C6705 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type PRKF_ORD_Ill90_DreamGeas_P_0101E143 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type QF_ORD_AdvancedLab_Quest_0103D688 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _wl_compatibility in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _wl_lanternoil_v3 in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_Mutiny_Victim_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_StealRef_Container_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_SpeakWithAnimals_Target_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_DreamGeas_Target_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_StealRef_Actor_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type ORD_SpeakWithAnimals_Target_Script in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] WARNING: Could not find type _WL_NPCLanternHandler in the type table in save
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] VM is thawing...
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Initialising Populate Lists script...
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] [WB_MCMQuest_Script ] INITIALIZED
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: Cannot call Maintenance() on a None object, aborting function call
[alias Player on quest ProjectAHOEpisode01 (3F7A10E5)].DimonoiderStartAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DimonoiderStartAlias.psc" Line 6
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: Cannot call Update() on a None object, aborting function call
[alias Player on quest ProjectAHOEpisode01 (3F7A10E5)].DimonoiderStartAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DimonoiderStartAlias.psc" Line 7
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] error: Native static function GetNthLightModDependency could find no matching static function on linked type Game. Function will not be bound.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] error: Native static function IsPluginInstalled could find no matching static function on linked type Game. Function will not be bound.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] error: Native static function GetLightModDependencyCount could find no matching static function on linked type Game. Function will not be bound.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] error: Native static function GetLightModDescription could find no matching static function on linked type Game. Function will not be bound.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] error: Native static function GetLightModAuthor could find no matching static function on linked type Game. Function will not be bound.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] error: Native static function GetLightModName could find no matching static function on linked type Game. Function will not be bound.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] error: Native static function GetLightModByName could find no matching static function on linked type Game. Function will not be bound.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] error: Native static function GetLightModCount could find no matching static function on linked type Game. Function will not be bound.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] [** SKYBIRDS v1.000000 IS LOADING **]
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] [skyBirds]Checking if "Simply Bigger Trees" is loaded...
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "SimplyBiggerTreesSE.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[_APBQuest (B900AA5E)]._APBQuest.SKSE_Init() - "_APBQuest.psc" Line 147
[alias myPlayer on quest _APBQuest (B900AA5E)]._APBmyPlayerAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_APBmyPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 18
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] [skyBirds]"Simply Bigger Trees" was not detected. Please ignore the above errors that were produced.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] [skyBirds]Checking if "Birds of Skyrim" is loaded...
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "Birdsofskyrim_SSE.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[_APBQuest (B900AA5E)]._APBQuest.SKSE_Init() - "_APBQuest.psc" Line 158
[alias myPlayer on quest _APBQuest (B900AA5E)]._APBmyPlayerAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_APBmyPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 18
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] [A Quality World Map] Applying map camera constraint settings on load.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] [skyBirds]"Birds of Skyrim" was not detected. Please ignore the above errors that were produced.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0700F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 31
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0700F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0700F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 35
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0700F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0700F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 39
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0700F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0700F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 43
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0700F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0700F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 47
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0700F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "Artifacts.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_ArtifactsofSkyrimSMHandler (0965838D)].dbm_qf_dbm_artifactsofskyrims_0565838d.Maint() - "DBM_QF_DBM_ArtifactsofSkyrimS_0565838D.psc" Line 65
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 32
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "BGCollectables.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_BGModsSMHandler (095FCAD5)].dbm_qf_dbm_bgmodssmhandler_055fcad5.Maint() - "DBM_QF_DBM_BGModsSMHandler_055FCAD5.psc" Line 214
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 33
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "BGTheCapturedFairies.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_BGModsSMHandler (095FCAD5)].dbm_qf_dbm_bgmodssmhandler_055fcad5.Maint() - "DBM_QF_DBM_BGModsSMHandler_055FCAD5.psc" Line 228
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 33
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "BadGremlinsJarHunt.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_BGModsSMHandler (095FCAD5)].dbm_qf_dbm_bgmodssmhandler_055fcad5.Maint() - "DBM_QF_DBM_BGModsSMHandler_055FCAD5.psc" Line 239
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 33
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: INI setting "iMaxDesired:Particles" is not a float
.utility.SetINIFloat() - "" Line ?
[VividWeatherConfig (BC07EEDB)].vividweatherdata.VWini() - "VividWeatherData.psc" Line 77
[alias Player on quest VividWeatherConfig (BC07EEDB)].VividWeatherPlayerAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "VividWeatherPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 43
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "BGSomethingFishy.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_BGModsSMHandler (095FCAD5)].dbm_qf_dbm_bgmodssmhandler_055fcad5.Maint() - "DBM_QF_DBM_BGModsSMHandler_055FCAD5.psc" Line 250
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 33
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "BGtrophyHeads.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_BGModsSMHandler (095FCAD5)].dbm_qf_dbm_bgmodssmhandler_055fcad5.Maint() - "DBM_QF_DBM_BGModsSMHandler_055FCAD5.psc" Line 261
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 33
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Initializing ~~~~~
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "Complete Solitude.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_CompleteSolitudeSMHandler (090BDCF2)].dbm__qf_dbm_completesolitudeh_050bdcf2.Maint() - "dbm__qf_dbm_completesolitudeh_050bdcf2.psc" Line 35
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 34
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "TRUE CITY TGES.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_CompleteSolitudeSMHandler (090BDCF2)].dbm__qf_dbm_completesolitudeh_050bdcf2.Maint() - "dbm__qf_dbm_completesolitudeh_050bdcf2.psc" Line 46
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 34
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "TAVSolitude.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_CompleteSolitudeSMHandler (090BDCF2)].dbm__qf_dbm_completesolitudeh_050bdcf2.Maint() - "dbm__qf_dbm_completesolitudeh_050bdcf2.psc" Line 57
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 34
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "ELFX - exteriors.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_ELFXSMHandler (094A3B25)].dbm_qf__054a3b25.Maint() - "dbm_qf__054a3b25.psc" Line 45
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 35
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "Hunterborn.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_HunterbornSMHandler (09433B72)].dbm_qf__05433b72.Maint() - "dbm_qf__05433b72.psc" Line 196
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 41
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:30PM] Error: File "JKs Solitude.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_JKSolitudeSMHandler (094BD1E2)].dbm_qf__054bd1e2.Maint() - "dbm_qf__054bd1e2.psc" Line 39
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 42
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] [WB_MCMQuest_Script ] INITIALIZED
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: File "Konahrik_Accoutrements.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_KAFormSMHandler (09147D83)].dbm_qf__05147d83.Maint() - "dbm_qf__05147d83.psc" Line 156
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 43
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: File "WheelsOfLull.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_LullFormSMHandler (098C4E8F)].dbm_qf__058c4e8f.Maint() - "dbm_qf__058c4e8f.psc" Line 81
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 44
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: File "Morrowloot.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_MWLSMHandler (09085399)].dbm__qf_dbm_mwlhandler_05085399.Maint() - "dbm__qf_dbm_mwlhandler_05085399.psc" Line 93
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 46
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: File "MLU.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_MWLSMHandler (09085399)].dbm__qf_dbm_mwlhandler_05085399.Maint() - "dbm__qf_dbm_mwlhandler_05085399.psc" Line 104
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 46
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: File "Solitude Reborn.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_SolitudeRebornSMHandler (090B38F6)].dbm__qf_dbm_solituderebornhan_050b38f6.Maint() - "dbm__qf_dbm_solituderebornhan_050b38f6.psc" Line 23
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 47
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: File "ThaneWeaponsReborn.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_TWRSMHandler (096C1A7C)].dbm__qf__056c1a7c.Maint() - "DBM__QF__056C1A7C.psc" Line 69
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 49
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] [skyBirds][_APBQuest] The current number of woodpecker references is 46
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: File "Wyrmstooth.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_WyrmstoothDisplaySMHandler (094C74B4)].dbm_qf__054c74b4.Maint() - "dbm_qf__054c74b4.psc" Line 36
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 50
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: File "Ravengate.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[DBM_RavenGateSMHandler (0906EBB9)].dbm_qf_dbm_ravengatesmhandler_0506ebb9.Maint() - "DBM_QF_DBM_RavenGateSMHandler_0506EBB9.psc" Line 69
[alias PlayerRef on quest DBM_SupportReload (096C8264)].DBM_SMReloadAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DBM_SMReloadAlias.psc" Line 51
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] [A Quality World Map] Settings applied.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] InitWidgetLoader()
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] CRF: Initialization Script Complete.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].footprintsFootstepsScriptPlayer.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "" Line ?
[None].footprintsFootstepsScriptPlayer.OnUpdate() - "footprintsFootstepsScriptPlayer.psc" Line ?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] APOC 7.05 DEBUG: Reset Ritual tracker!
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: File "Open Cities Skyrim.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[ARTHLALWhiterunGuardConfrontationQuest (AF29847F)].arth_qf_lalwhiterunguard_0529847f.SetGateAlias() - "ARTH_QF_LALWhiterunGuard_0529847F.psc" Line 47
[ARTHLALVersionTracking (AF049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 58
[alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (AF049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] APOC 7.05 DEBUG: Reset Ritual tracker!
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Cannot open store for class "frostutil", missing file?
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: Unable to obtain function call information - returning None
[alias Player on quest VividWeatherConfig (BC07EEDB)].VividWeathersFrostfallCompatibility.OnUpdate() - "VividWeathersFrostfallCompatibility.psc" Line 18
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] WARNING: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"
[alias Player on quest VividWeatherConfig (BC07EEDB)].VividWeathersFrostfallCompatibility.OnUpdate() - "VividWeathersFrostfallCompatibility.psc" Line 18
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] [Vivid Weathers] : Frostfall Not installed. Errors above are harmless.
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: File "WetandCold.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[_SPLQuest (6D000D65)]._splquestscript.Maintenance() - "_SPLQuestScript.psc" Line 94
[alias _SPLPlayer on quest _SPLQuest (6D000D65)]._SPLPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_SPLPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:31PM] Error: File "TrueStormsSE.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[_SPLQuest (6D000D65)]._splquestscript.Maintenance() - "_SPLQuestScript.psc" Line 98
[alias _SPLPlayer on quest _SPLQuest (6D000D65)]._SPLPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_SPLPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:32PM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Running Maintenance ~~~~~
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:32PM] ~~~~~ Footprints VC: Checking if update is required. (Current Version: 1.530000) ~~~~~
[09/08/2018 - 05:07:33PM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Populating leveled lists... Books...


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I'm having the same problem. Disabling CRF didn't help either. I haven't looked at my logs, but I don't know how to read them either.


I've finished the main quest; what stage are you on?


unfortunately way of the voice so at the start

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I suspect it could have something to do with the latest Skyrim / SKSE update, as there are other places I can't enter since the update. I'm hoping that the new PapyrusUtil SE will fix it once it's released. But this is all just a wishful guess.
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My problem ended up being with Encounter Zones Unlocked SE. Do you use that? (Since it doesn't have an esp, it doesn't show up on your load order.) I updated to the new PapyrusUtil and the new Encounter Zones and High Hrothgar is again open to me. Now, if only Simply Knock SE would update, I'll be ready to play all of my characters again. :smile:

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