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Changing the way quests start?


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I'm currently working on a mod to make Creation Club content blend in seamlessly with the rest of the game. So far, I've managed to do the easier ones (such as remove the quest that plops items into your inventory, and altering level lists), but I'm not sure what to do with the more complex ones.


For example, the anti-material rifle quest runs right from the start. How could I make it so the quest only starts when you find the note in the museum, skipping the first part entirely?


Also, how could I make a quest (such as the BFG one, which spawns in an NPC holding it) trigger only once a terminal entry has been read in a new terminal?


I appreciate the help!

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Simply uncheck [start Game Enabled] on the Quest Data tab to stop Quests from starting up without being called by an external command.


Starting such a quest can be complex as it depends on how the quest is structured so you really want to know your way around this stuff:


a) call .Start() on the quest if a stage is set to [run on start] that kicks functions and stages, or the quest main script kicks functions and stages from OnQuestInit()


b) call .SetStage(nn) on the quest stage that kicks functions and stages, or the quest main script kicks functions and stages from OnQuestInit()


c) call .Start() and then a specific quest Script Function


d) Some quests start and sit latent until a particular other quest stage fires, or trigger event is kicked, or even the first save game load triggers OnPlayerLoadGame()


e) + many and varied less well used pathways as well

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If its not obvious how the Quest moves forward in stages or script functions, right click the quest for the Use Info list and walk that to see if there are external calls or triggers. The most difficult stuff to dig links out for are scene/dialogue topics that set stages or call scripts. Hours of fun there ...

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"d) Some quests start and sit latent until a particular other quest stage fires, or trigger event is kicked, or even the first save game load triggers OnPlayerLoadGame() "


How do I do this? I tried just removing the first stage of the quest, but then certain scripts didn't run that were necessary (Such as changing the note to the player's name).

The quest I'm trying to alter is the Anti-Material Rifle quest. It runs on start and tells you to go to the museum of Witchcraft (this is what I want to get rid of), so I'd like to have the quest run on start still to fire off those important scripts, but without adding it to the quest log. Then I'd like to have the note in the museum to trigger the next stage of the quest.

So I want to make it from: Trigger stage 1 from start > Trigger stage 2 after reading note




Trigger stage 1 from start, but without a quest log > Trigger stage 2 after reading note as usual.

EDIT: Nevermind I figured it out. Thanks for the push in the right direction! Already gave you kudos.

Edited by solidsirhc
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