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Adopting existing ENB


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I generally believe that unless the changes you made were exceedingly substantial you wouldn't be able to upload your version. Would be best to check the permissions on the ENB in question, and to send the author a PM to clarify this, some authors might be fine with you uploading a 'tweaked' version of their ENB as long as you provide a link and credit, whereas other authors will not.

As for what actually counts as substantial, simply tweaking an existing ENB's values wouldn't really count as a 'new' work, as you're using an existing preset as the base. You'd be better off creating a preset from scratch.

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Nobody can prevent you uploading your tweaks as an enbseries.ini file or whichever one holds the shader parameters. This way you force people to download the original preset from the original authors page and can use your tweaks if they want - without you getting into copyright trouble for stealing mod assets (e.g. custom shaders).

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