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Transfer Settlement export copied into CK


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I was wondering if it is possible to take a TS file and hard bake it into the main game via CK? I have built a settlement based a sprawling villa I found online. 3 stories with 2 x pools inc a basement level blah blah....using assets from the SOE pack and PYOP etc. Basically scraped Starlight then replicated the plan, some 6k plus items inc furniture, power, lights etc


What I'd like to do is recreate the settlement using CK and save it as a ESL, a similar concept that seems to be employed by Greekrage, Madunit and others but rather than try and replicate the build in CK from the ground up by re skinning outdoor building kits and other items. I thought it might be viable to modify Starlight's ground to accommodate the design then drop the TS export into CK then generate the ESL with the dependent MODs.


Something like this master piece by Madunit;



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