Mass1milian0 Posted September 8, 2018 Share Posted September 8, 2018 Now this isn't a copy of the guide "Begginer guide to modding" this guide is fully based on my experience with skyrim modding, so there could be things wrong , again this is fully based on my experience now let's start the guide: Now you will need various tools to in order to mod skyrim i will list here all you will need Wrye Bash Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) OR Mod organizer (i suggest NMM if you don't have experience with mods) Tes5Edit LOOT those 3 tools will be super useful later on, for now just store them somewhere you can remember them now, modding time, when downloading a mod always read the thread for compatibility issuse or installation requirements done? perfect, you may have noticed some mods that needs SKSE install that if you need it ok now you have loaded all your mods everything perfectly installed... wait nope OVERWRITE WHAT TO DO AAAAAA11!!!11 ok calm down there are some things you can overwrite and other that you shouldn't for example if while installing a patch it asks you to overwrite things, do it, sometimes it will ask you to overwrite meta.ini, do that no danger, here a list of mods that may ask you to overwrites: Meshes/textures, say yes, the only thing it could happen is some broken texture animations, say yes only if it is a patch skeletons, say yes only if you have a skeleton patch and so on now everything installed do not open skyrim yet,the helgen start is ultra scripted and mods will mess up with it, create another profile on your mod manager and there disable everything (if you installed fnis re-enable it, copy fnis generator folder (fnis for user) then disable it again and drag the content of the folder you just copied to the original one, run fnis and generate behaviors) you have to disable everything BUT races mods, now once you are out of the helgen cave do a hard save and load back the modsyou now should be ready for modding... wait AAAAAA CTD , CRASHE AAAAA11!!!11! ok calm down again, it is very usual for skyrim to ctd, it crashes even vanilla sometimes, now you remember the tools you installed before yeah now you need that, close dat skyrim and open wrye bash, how many yellows squares you see ? from 1 to 3 don't close wryebash we are going to fix them there, if they are more than 4 then close wryebash and open loot, in the upper right corner you will see 3 lines when you hover on them you will see sort mods do that wait for it to finish then re-open wryebash now, wrye bash can be difficult but it will be your best friend on the left you will se the mods, on the right you will see the master of the mod selected (masters are like other mods that mod needs to work) ok, click on one of the yellow squared mods and you will see on the right that the masters are yellowed, you will probably see:Skyrim, greenother mod, yellowother mod, yellow well what happens is that you must load some mods before others, for example you have to load first Mod A in order to Mod A Patch to work, now some of them you may have this situation:skyrim,greendawnguardhearthfire/dragon's born those are the tricky mods, when that happen remember the name of the mod that have that yellow pattern, and open Tes5Edit, there rightlick everywhere in the square that opens and click select none, now search for the mod that was in yellow, select it and press ok, wait for it to load then right click that mod and click: sort masters, now what you have to do is close tes5edit by pressing the X on the top right corner, a square will pop up you say yes everyone happy, now that mod should be fully functional, ok when everything is green you will see a thing in wrye bash called: Bashed patch, rightclick on that and click, re-build bashed patch, remember to select everything on every tab and if asked to disable some mod, don't worry they will work afterwards, once everything is done you now can have some fun with modded skyrim without CTD's... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CTD TO DESKTOP WRYE BASH ALL GREEN REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE geez calm down, sometimes mods are just unstable, when that happens i suggest to go to this list over here: Dangerous,unstable mods now press ctrl + f and search ONE BY ONE all the mods , the list provides replacements if needed,, before unsitalling a mod check it's nexus mod page for unistallation guide, if there is none i usually assume it can be unsinstalled just by deleting it/deactivating it, it should fix most if not all the ctd's I HAVE HEARD X MOD MANAGER IS SOO MUCH BETTER THAN MINE ok now DON'T YOU MOVE BAKA! stick to your mod manager, trust me, changing it is a real pain but if you have like 2 mods then it should be fine to chage, just don't do what i did, 153 mods all of them fully working, i changed mod manager BOOM, skyrim exploded, nothing was working anymore, it was a bug hell with ctd's every second now you may have to install mod manually sometimes, well, don't if you are using nmm, just drag and drop the packed content on the mod manager and it will install it for you, but if you really have to then unpack the .rar/.zip/.7z and drag and drop the data folder inside, to the installation path of skyrim, then enable it on your mod manager (if there is no data folder, and you see something like meshes,texture folders then drag and drop those inside the data folder in the installation path of skyrim) MAH GAME IS SO SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOW well, dude, don't complain you are playing a game from 2011, it isn't optimized for new systems, also if you are a madman like me and you install 150+ mods then frames drop are more than expected, here is a suggestion, if you installed open citys of skyrim mod uninstall asap, that mod is like the king of the fps droppers HELGEN DOESN'T WORK CAN'T START NEW GAME AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!111!! really common problem, remember the profile we created earlier with no mods, well use it and check if like that helgen works, if it still doesn't this mod could be your life saver: ok now another problem that happened to me atleast, at skuldafen the dragon sigil doesn't work, well you don't even have to fight the boss there, just windwhirl sprint to the portal and boom, done here is my guide, i hope you understood everything i said there, for any issuse,suggestion,misunderstanding or ctd even after the whole guide just let me know down below Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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