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Material swap not on world object, but otherwise fine


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Anyone know why a material swap for an armor would show up fine on the inventory object (when viewed on the pipboy and in the workbench), show up fine on the object when equipped, show up on the world object when placed in the creation kit... but not on the object in the world in the game??

I have applied the material swap to the armor "World Model" and to the biped models in the armor addon. I even made a new mod attachment with the mswp applied to the empty model field, just in case. I renamed the texture files, put them in another folder. For the life of me I can't find what is keeping it from showing on the world model in the game. There is only one bgsm on this armor (it's a helmet).

Can anyone help? Thanks.

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Thanks for the reply. Frustratingly, I already did that. The material file in the world model (the GO.nif) is the same, so I put the material swap I made on it, too.

I even put the same reference in the Female world model box, which was originally empty (like the vanilla one I copied it from).

I can't figure out what it could be. ??

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