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Looking for new item grab system


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I'm looking for a mod that changes or adds on to the current item grab system. The problems I'm looking to overcome are not being able to place objects in hard-to-reach places (like topmost shelves of tall bookcases), not being able to stand objects up straight no matter what (like top-heavy pots), and bumping into things as a result from moving the player character around to move the object being grabbed.


I really loved the Telekinesis spell in Oblivion. It did everything I wanted it to do. If someone could make something that worked like Telekinesis did in Oblivion for Skyrim, that would be great. The Telekinesis spell that we get in Skyrim doesn't help me at all.




Well, about 14 pages back, I managed to find another thread suggesting Decorator Assistant. I downloaded that and it seems to do what I want it to do. Sorry for the extra topic.

Edited by fisharefriends
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if some modder is reading this and is interested, try making it like in Amnesia, where you can rotate objects on any axis when holding it.


hope this gets some attention! I have given up on decoration after having to spend 5 minutes on getting every item right by slamming it into stuff

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