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How to add item to player when mod is loaded


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It seems like a very simple thing, but I can't figure it out.


I have a quest (marked start game enabled) where I've made a Player alias (Forced: PlayerRef). Then, I made an alias for the item I want to add to the player's inventory selecting "Create Reference to Object <MyItemFormID> create in Player". But nothing is ever added to my inventory when I load a save or make a new character. Tried `resetquest <MyQuestID>` in the console too.


I also tried something like this to add the item to the player via a script on game startup, but that also did nothing: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Complete_Example_Scripts#Maintenance.2Fupdate_code_which_runs_once_per_save_load_and_shows_a_message_when_a_mod_is_updated_or_first_loaded


Anyone know what I'm missing? Or do you know of an example of this that I could just copy?

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Ok. I'm not an expert (actually, I'm an amateur), but lately I've been reading a tutorial on quest making, so I'll try to help. And the guy that made the tutorial uses Additem function - adds an item from nowhere (if it's not in game) or from game if used proper reference.


Look, I'll copy you what I'm talking about. I guess you'll get the main idea.


^ This one for something that is in game.


Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Gold001, 500)
^ This one for something from nowhere.
I'm sorry, if this is not what you are looking for - just wanted to help. As I said, I'm barely scratching the surface of scripts at the moment.
Edited by nayakri
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