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help with CBP physics


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I'm not particularly interested in physics on my own character (usually prefer fp view) but I do like to have breast and butt physics on my followers and NPCs etc.

I have been playing with CBP physics enabled plus a follower mod - Harem 18 followers - which supports physics and which was working like a charm.

Recently I had to do a clean re-install of my game, and have started to download my mods again, which admittedly weren't that many anyway.

Now I cannot get any butt/breast bounce at all on any of my followers. I have tried the usual installation tips, orders etc. but the physics just won't work.

Current mods installed are -



Realistic Rag Dolls and Force SE


Race Menu SE



Body Slide and Outfit Studio

CBP physics

FNIS sexy move SE

FNIS latest version

Harem - 18 followers SSE


I haven't added any clothing mods yet, but usually make sure everything is working without clothes first (the Harem followers actually appear nude from the outset)


I have the skeleton mod high up on the load order, with FNIS at the bottom.

Can anyone shed any light on why the physics might not be working anymore?

btw I'm not an experienced modder or anything. I can tinker around with files a little bit, but usually let the NMM do all the work with my mods.

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If you installed the updated SSE and SKSE, I would restore the old version until mods have been updated for it.

If you re-installed before the update (SSE 1.5.39, SKSE 2.0.7), I would reinstall XP skeleton and choose the physics rigmap for cbp.

If you use a mod manager, you may need to move xpmsse below any mods that have skeleton mesh. If no mod manager, install xp last after any other body meshes.

When you run GenerateFNISForUsers, are there any warnings? I would fix them all.

Edited by Tony_OQuinn
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