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found a strange location


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I believe what you have found is one of the many roads that lead off the player map. In this case, the road that runs under that bridge structure should lead to Morrowind. The place is east of Stendarrs Beacon and south of Giants Grove. Follow the road that runs in front of Beacon to see the spot. The map shows a valley in that location and if you a map mod that shows roads, there is a road running from Morrowind past Stendarrs Beacon, and on up to Riften.
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@Sergeant Rock, you sir are very welcome and thx for the kudos,

GameBanshee folks did a great job creating 'The Province of Skyrim and its Notable Locations' map.


here's a link to a higher resolution PNG format version (2720x1930 pixel, 32 bit depth, 9.571kb, click on the map to launch):



here's a link to a specially formatted 9 page PDF suitable for printing/assembling a 3x3 poster size version lol:


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