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Avatar... At Night


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I'm not a modder by anymeans, but wouldn't it be cool to see the black lighting effects on plants and animals with realistic lighting... You've seen the movie... how awesome would that be?
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You could do something similar with the resurrection visual effects I think



Im not familiar with the Resurrection Visual Effects. Is this an ENB setting?

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So if you or someone you are fighting resurrects someone, they get this blue glow around them in kind of rune shapes that move around - that might do the job, if you could get that to be a permanent effect.


EDIT: that's in vanilla btw, not an ENB or anything that I'm aware of - in CK it is under visual effects. And you can assign them to actors at least - I don't know about plants and everything else.

Edited by Cynster
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So if you or someone you are fighting resurrects someone, they get this blue glow around them in kind of rune shapes that move around - that might do the job, if you could get that to be a permanent effect.


EDIT: that's in vanilla btw, not an ENB or anything that I'm aware of - in CK it is under visual effects. And you can assign them to actors at least - I don't know about plants and everything else.



Not a bad Idea... most all of the effects are in someway included in the game... Nirnroots glow, and if I could make various other plants do the same... I just think it would be a neat effect to see.

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yeah definitely work with that's in vanilla first :) There's a script to do it - you could try duplicating the static object, and adding the script in the object's dialogue panel:


Where you need to set pResurrectEffect to the visual effect in properties

and pObject to the static object in properties


That isn't 100% correct because it is an Actor visual effect and I've only used it on actors - so it may not show up on objects - it could be worth trying it out on an Actor to see if you get that effect permanently this way.


I'd research how to reference objects in static scripts first :) Look at the nirnroot for reference. Hope this helps!

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