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New Harry Potter Mod


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  On 6/24/2012 at 9:59 PM, bben46 said:

The name itself as well as everything from the books and movies is copyrighted for use in games.


Therefore they CAN bring an action just for using that name in a game. But not for something not game related. (like naming your kid Harry Potter Johnson) Whether they would win or not would be up to a judge. But can you afford the 20 to 30 THOUSAND $US it would take just to get to court? If you talk to a lawyer they are likely to just tell you to take it down and not fight.


As said, they are not likely to order a takedown for a few mods. But they have already done it for a an indie game.


I'm not worried about a total makeover as the only successful one I have seen took a team of professional programmers over 4 years to complete (Nehrim for Oblivion) - And they have announced they are working on a total makeover for Skyrim that will be out in 3 or so years.:thumbsup:


Note: Rowling's lawyers filed against a pottery shop named Harry the Potter. Their demand was he change the name and pay them royalties. But dropped the case when he lawyered up instead of folding. :tongue:


Yes, but like I said, a mod (no matter if its the size of a whole game) isn't going to bring legal issues, very much less issues that will actually hold any weight in court. The fact that a mod wouldn't bring in any money automatically spares it from a lot of legal issues.


And besides, unless you're telling me what whoever holds the rights to a Harry Potter game absolutely refuses to let any more Harry Potter based games be made I'm sure such a game would still be possible.

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Update 0.3B will add few more spells, tweak some old ones and unlock another room:


Impedimenta and Reducto effects will be switched and tweaked.

Reducto will be kind of an AOE hitting everything in your close FOV.

Will change Lumos Maxima to Lumos Solem and add a seperate Lumos Maxima spell.

I might take out Aguamenti unless I can make it look better and it plays a proper sound.

The next room is not a big thing, it will be the access to all the places that will be made until BETA is finished.

Consider it the hall before the Great Hall :)

If you want to see the Great Hall in it's process and the Trophy Room (linked) open the console and type "coc hpgreathall" (without quotes)

And again: If anyone knows how to add that damn passage from Solitude Jail, so it works properly in the Trophy Room, please tell me.

The passage will lead to either the 1st or the 2nd floor.

I will start some time (like in 10 days or something), when my exams are over, working on the exterior and the lands around Hogwarts.

What do you think of Hagrid's Hut, btw?



Update 0.4B might include the Harry Potter Wands and the Flyable Broomstick.


Isn't it kind of amazing that so many fitting mods come out right now? :D

Like Flyable Broomstick or Magic Duel :thumbsup:

I have been thinking of adding the Magic Duel as kind of an Add-On. Have to figure something out and check with the author.


Remember: I love comments, so leave anything you want :)

Please leave your opinion of what you think about the mod and how it works and bug reports in the comment section of the mod.

Anything else like suggestions leave here :)

It's ok if you just write "Hi"

Just write ANYTHING


Bye guys :D

Edited by Shad0wThirteen
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  On 6/25/2012 at 8:44 AM, imperistan said:

Yes, but like I said, a mod (no matter if its the size of a whole game) isn't going to bring legal issues, very much less issues that will actually hold any weight in court. The fact that a mod wouldn't bring in any money automatically spares it from a lot of legal issues.


It's worth noting that the face of modding has changed since Skyrim came out, and there are now more ways to monetize your mods than before. As we all know, SW offers the possibility of mod authors earning a percentage from the sale of their works, though they would certainly have enough legal savvy to keep their hands off something so obviously based on another published work. However, there's also the question of those little, "Do you like what this modder is doing? Donate through Paypal!" buttons that many modders have started including on their Nexus pages. It could easily be argued in court that a modder was using this system to generate profit based on another person's published work.


Point is, be careful, and get permission if you can. I certainly wouldn't want to go up against JK Rowling's lawyers.

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I do understand your point, although I already told that I am not asking for donation and I try to avoid using the original content as much as possible.

But please keep this thread an information topic. Write your opinion about legal issues and that stuff in the comment section, please.

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  On 6/19/2012 at 4:04 PM, duchuy613 said:

Expecto patronum - summon a familiar of your choice without mana cost AND makes ALL undead enemy flee ONLY IF your character health is above 80% (the spell needs strong, happy thoughts to work) :dance:


Wiki's description: Conjures an incarnation of the caster's innermost positive feelings, such as joy or hope, known as a Patronus. A Patronus is conjured as a protector, and is a weapon rather than a predator of souls: Patronuses shield their conjurors from Dementors or Lethifolds, and can even drive them away. They are also used amongst the Order of the Phoenix to send messages. According to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the Charm is the only known defensive spell against Lethifolds. :whistling:


I hope this help, it's one of the most important spell in Harry Potter Series (and I love this spell, ofc) :ohdear:


This is a nice idea, could be done in 0.4B. I've thought about the whispmother, because she looks very cool. And maybe an alternate version with a stag.

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  • 3 weeks later...

very good job, but do not forget to put people in the castle, my opinions are likely to put the castle by a river and at the top, even if it takes the plants to see and do Hogwards very similar ... but this is not the hardest part, the hardest is to make accessible the spells, to include people, you can make spells conquer the desert doing missions or classes such things ..... And the most important for my style of play is to give life to the places, the more people the better.

more anyway, congratulations!

I'll be expecting a great job for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have continued working on the mod. Sorry that there wasn't an update for... forever :(

The next version 0.3B will include the Harry Potter Wands by spyduck!

The other plans for the next update in a previous post will still be done.

Hope there's still interest!!

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Hope u can do it better than official games ; but it takes a lot though , you know , bringing all those elements in skyrim`s limited world .

Take a look at "The Jump Event" : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19991 . Despite knightspk2`s great efforts , this mod just doen`t work , with Skyrim`s current limitations and scripts , and adding too much to those , may render the game useless and obsolete .


Forget all the things said above . :happy: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/721282-the-jump-event/page__st__10__p__5984952__fromsearch__1#entry5984952

Edited by ViciousH
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