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New Harry Potter Mod


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@Imperistan: While a total makeover of Skyrim to the world of Harry Potter may look like a good idea. Ms Rowling has sold the exclusive game rights to HP. Her, and the owner of that exclusive would be all over that game. With legal demands that it be shut down. While a few mods will probably not bring down her army of lawyers, a game based on her work definitely will (already happened). It seems that Ms. Rowling is very protective of her work and is known for sending lawyers out to attack on the slightest provocation.


Here is one example of her over-zealousness. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Harry_Potter_Lexicon

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@Imperistan: While a total makeover of Skyrim to the world of Harry Potter may look like a good idea. Ms Rowling has sold the exclusive game rights to HP. Her, and the owner of that exclusive would be all over that game. With legal demands that it be shut down. While a few mods will probably not bring down her army of lawyers, a game based on her work definitely will (already happened). It seems that Ms. Rowling is very protective of her work and is known for sending lawyers out to attack on the slightest provocation.


Here is one example of her over-zealousness. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Harry_Potter_Lexicon


It's not going to be a total makeover and I do not call any content my own invention.

I don't use any of the original music. (That's from WB btw.)

It's not a rebuild, as more a creation of content that was inspired by the movies, the games and of course, the books.

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@Imperistan: While a total makeover of Skyrim to the world of Harry Potter may look like a good idea. Ms Rowling has sold the exclusive game rights to HP. Her, and the owner of that exclusive would be all over that game. With legal demands that it be shut down. While a few mods will probably not bring down her army of lawyers, a game based on her work definitely will (already happened). It seems that Ms. Rowling is very protective of her work and is known for sending lawyers out to attack on the slightest provocation.


Here is one example of her over-zealousness. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Harry_Potter_Lexicon



An overhaul of Skyrim into the Potter universe isn't likely to cause legal issues unless the creator(s) actually include something they shouldn't be. Nothing else but stuff directly from the movies/books (like music and other audio, passages, etc etc) would be able to have legal issues brought down on it.


If legal issues could be had just from a mod, then the Harry Potter wands mod would have already caused a problem.

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The name itself as well as everything from the books and movies is copyrighted for use in games.


Therefore they CAN bring an action just for using that name in a game. But not for something not game related. (like naming your kid Harry Potter Johnson) Whether they would win or not would be up to a judge. But can you afford the 20 to 30 THOUSAND $US it would take just to get to court? If you talk to a lawyer they are likely to just tell you to take it down and not fight.


As said, they are not likely to order a takedown for a few mods. But they have already done it for a an indie game.


I'm not worried about a total makeover as the only successful one I have seen took a team of professional programmers over 4 years to complete (Nehrim for Oblivion) - And they have announced they are working on a total makeover for Skyrim that will be out in 3 or so years.:thumbsup:


Note: Rowling's lawyers filed against a pottery shop named Harry the Potter. Their demand was he change the name and pay them royalties. But dropped the case when he lawyered up instead of folding. :tongue:

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listen to bben, he knows his stuff and wouldn't challenge a modders idea without a reason.


Lawyers are sue happy and JK Rowling is in it for the money, if you couldn't tell with their movies (the deathly hallows part 1 sucked.)


There was a thread where we have discussed what crosses the boundaries, but everything ends up in the legal grey zone.


You might be asked to cease and desist, you might not. I would not ask for donations on that mod page for starters. Any ties to money would get her in a hissy-fit. I would also not try to make a whole new game out of it, as anything you do would out-do that crap they currently produce and would probably hinder whatever sales they try to scrape up. (I've played the harry potter games before, I was not amused... at all).


Just take it all in as a warning.

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