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Region Tool in World Editor


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Does anyone know of a tutorial or explanation of the Region Tool? I've read a couple of articles, but they sort of just skim over the topic. The problem I have is...well..I guess I just don't understand how the numbers work or how to properly nest child elements within the object placement thing. I searched through the regions that are loaded in the CK, but none of them seem to really be for dispersion of land elements, more for audio and weather. I can't imagine the Bethesda dudes actually hand placing all the trees and rocks and such, and I assume that's one of the purposed of the Region Tool. I could be totally wrong though, it's been know to happen. Would really appreciate if I could get pointed in the right direction.





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They used the region tool.


I don't have the CK right now, but if I remember correctly, you right click over the white squares (The land) to create lines, which you connect to make a box. You then drag items from the Object Window over the "Objects to place" (Or whatever it's called) tab, and then click generate.

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