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Where did the dragons go?


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Hey there.


I recently started playing Skyrim again, worked on my set of mods and trimmed it down to the ones I really wanted. Did a clean save with all the new mods, a sneak mage khajiit. Now level 22 I realize that I haven't had a single random dragon spawn in the game and I did the main quest up to Kynesgrove. Odd right?


Has anyone else come across this problem with/without mods?

Can I fix it?


I didn't have this issue when I last played and the mods I have added since are:

- Jaysus Swords 13C to 13D

- Alternate Life

- Elvenwood

- Spell Sneak Attacks

- Apocalypse Spell Package

- Could any of these mods have triggered the bug/problem?



(I have been trying to unload mods and fast travel between several outside locations to trigger an attack whilst having only one or two mods activated at a time, without results.)

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you tend to get more random dragons after kynesgrove :)....up to then you either get none, or almost none :P.....just plough on through, they'll come! (although they tend to at really annoying times xDD)


as for increasing amounts look to deadly dragons, it makes dragons what they should be, and makes new encounters and such like, also there is a mod that enables dragons from the very beginning, instead of waiting until you've killed mirulmnir in the whiterun jarl quest over at the watchtower :)...and you could always use an encounter mod like ocs or something

Edited by tredmillion
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You're supposed to get few before Kynesgrove? I'm used to having dragons every time I exit a dungeon after Mirulmnir. Barely ever done past Kynesgrove before and never experienced this lack of dragons. I've heard about Deadly Dragons but I think it conflicts with Tytanis and not sure it'll work with re-coloured dragonarmour.


To be frank I've never read through any patchnotes, perhaps the last one decreased their spawns?

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