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Embedded Weapons on New Creatures


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I've tried myself, and I've had a few other modders try, but so far no one has managed it. I have a new robot creature who uses the protectron skeleton and animations. One of his arms is a flame-thrower that needs to be set up as an embedded weapon. Has anyone had any success in this area, or feel confident that they could do this?



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Did you add the weapon to the creatures embeded weapon formlist?

Theres a formlist for each creature of what weapons its allowed to equip. (For example, prevents supermutants from using guns they don't have animations for)


Yep, I believe I've replicated everything correctly "geck-wise". I've even got it so the sound of the flame-thrower plays, and it seems the robot tries to fire it, as I hear the sound come out, but no visual flames and no HP damage is occuring.

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Does he have ammo? Does the ammo *not* have its own projectile?

It seems like FONV gets cranky when the first ammo in a formlist of ammos has its own projectile and so does the gun. (does not fire ammos without projectiles..)


Something to look into anyway.

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He's actually detecting the flame-thrower, and he even tries to burn me, and the flame-thrower sound plays, but no visual and no HP damage.


Do you know where the projectile node is, for the head laser? I've noticed that with robots' weapons that refer to it... I can never find the node anyway, not in nifs, nowhere. :psyduck:


So when I tried specifying that node in the weapon form, the robot just starts manually smacking me in game, rather than trying to fire at me..... but if I use the right hand laser of the protectron's gun, and use the protectron 1hand weapon nif with my gasbot nif, then in-game the gasbot tries to fire, but no visual, etc.

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The nodes for those weapons are their own 'node' nif:



I have tried modifying one to track to the bones we did use but as you know it didn't work.

Then I even rerigged the arm so it would use the proper bones and all and tried the regular protectron weapons.

So I still don't know why it doesn't work.

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I just got it working! :biggrin:


Think it was because I unticked "automatic" in the weapon form, or because I used the ammoflamerfuelrobot ammo specifically?

Edited by rjhelms84
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