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Fallout New Vegas - Ouroboros - Mod/Expansion


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Project: Fallout New Vegas, Ouroboros




I am pretty new here & just bought Fallout New Vegas for pc not that long ago, but have played new vegas multiple multiple times now on xbox & now pc... I am originally a pc gamer.. and have had a good deal of experience with modding games in the past.


Been messing with G.E.C.K quite a lot lately & I have recently started up a larger mod project... I have yet to upload anything I have been working on yet on here, but will shortly.. mostly smaller simple silly stuff so far.. like an npc named Tina Tincans.. which is a very simple little character addition that has some simple dialog, she has no quest... but has a lot of character.. I have been adding other things here and there & getting familiar with GECK over all.


Project: Fallout New Vegas, Ouroboros - (based off of the Van Buren Ouroboros design document.)


This is an extremely ambitious mod.. but I will be making it for fun, experience, portfolio.. etc.. I plan on working on it for as long as it takes.. since I find that New Vegas has a lot to offer even if its an older game now & I think the fans would really love something like this & its something I would love to both play & make.... I am however also working as an artist for the game Incursion as well as another game on the side a 3d 1950's flying saucer type game with pretty simple gameplay..


However even though I am working on other projects I still have enough time to dedicate to this project.


I have a difficult task a head of me in working on this mod which I am well aware of & I am sure plenty of people will troll in response to this ambitious project. But, if correctly managed & with corners cut here and there I think it is entirely possible... there is a good deal of mods with new quests on here, which show that a project of this scope is entirely possible.


So! I have officially started working on a mod based around the Van Buren Ouroboros design document.


Basically I think Ouroboros would have been a perfect addition to the other DLC's for New Vegas.. & no new models would really be required to make it.. but I can 3d model so... i might add a few things if need be..


If anyone is interested in learning more about the mod please check out the original Van Buren Ouroboros Design Document since I will be following it as closely as possible, but with a tie in to the couriers story.


Van Buren Ouroboros Design Doc


For further information I have also uploaded a .pdf of my design document for the project which is pretty detailed & if people are interested in learning more about the backstory etc.. or helping out with ideas/suggestions:


Ouroboros Quest/Mod Design Doc


Please feel free to comment about my ideas, correct any inaccuracies you may come across in my design doc that doesn't quite match up with the fallout universe since I am bound to miss things or make mistakes because the fallout universe is extremely complex & detailed. I am trying to make this mod/expansion as closely accurate as I can to the history of the fallout universe as well as to the original van buren ouroboros design document.


If you have any ideas, suggestions etc.. please feel free to discuss them here. It will help me incredibly to have suggestions from other fallout players. If you know any other mods or assets that may indeed be helpful in the creation of this mod please let me know! I will credit anyone who helps out of course with the mod.


Thanks! - Brian (futuristteletex)

Edited by FuturistTeletex
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The draught sounds good, but there is there any screens or anything to whet the appetite?

Doesn't have to be the actual environment, just an image of any progress you've got down.


Looks interesting and sounds professional enough though from what you've put, and I'm one of those Fallout players who longs to visit the mythical Van Buren land and there's lots others.

Edited by tizerist
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The draught sounds good, but there is there any screens or anything to whet the appetite?

Doesn't have to be the actual environment, just an image of any progress you've got down.


Yeah iam very suspecious allways when i see some enouncement for big mods which are just made full of theoretical roman pages full of dreaming and ,would be's.


Just do it. Do you know why screenshots are so essential? Because they show us who ever made that ecnoucement is willingly to do something and can do it.

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This guy already is on the road to success with this post: He never asked for help! Only suggestions/feedback. Forums are good at suggestions/feedback. Not so much for help.


Anyone willing to do all the work themselfs can't be stoped! Even if the project is huge, You just have to be willing!


Keep it up, sounds like a cool project, its lots of hard work but rewarding when it all comes togethor.

Edited by Cyberlazy
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I really like your design document and your ideas. I think they are well-thought-out and intelligent, so I think the project is a promising one. I don't think it's too ambitious at all, and if you can show others you are capable of good-quality work, you will get a lot of support on this project, guaranteed.


Could you tell us a bit more about your modding experience? I'm only asking that, as I know it will net you more support if people can learn a bit more about you, and discover the level of quality you are capable of. Could you show any 3d modelling work you've done in the past, or any artwork?

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Thanks for the responses!


I have worked on various things either with teams or on my own for all of the quake games well except quake 4, some work with doom 3, halflife2, & the unreal 3 engine..


I am most experienced with level editing/textures/2d art & then 3d modeling.. & that's what i mainly did for most of the mods in that order.. associated with those games i had worked on a good amount that failed, but i wasn't working alone.. which in my experiences causes a lot of issues when working in a big team since everyone has their own ideas and things fall apart... that said mods fail sometimes and i am not trying to get ahead of myself here or promising anything with Ouroboros simply that i am working on it..


I am not really in the mood to rife through my harddrive and upload pics at this moment of previous works.. and kinda dont see how its all that relevant.. i mean i do see how since you want to trust that i have the skills to work on the mod.. which i do and dont, but previous experience i do have is definitely helping me so far get around in the editor etc....


i am not making an promises here.. & i am not saying this mod will 100% be completed or not.. just that I have started work on it.. i am not looking for help only if people are interested in sharing ideas/correcting any mistakes I might make with fallout history/terrain/locations etc... or if people have any good ideas for content from other mods or from the game that would be useful..


I will be posting screenshots shortly as I have just begun working on the actual editing since there was/still is.. a lot of research that needs to go into the locations before i can really get cracking..


Some things I am having a hard time figuring out exactly & could use some opinions on if anyone is up for it.... not asking for much here really..


What road or area would the courier be traveling towards Ouroboros? (which i have decided is somewhere around if not in Arches National Park..)

I-15 - I -70 ?

I-93 - us-50 ?

us - 191 ?


Any opinions appreciated... once i figure this out work can really really begin taking more shape & direction..


i am looking for what seems would be the easiest road to map out.. and possibly with the least amount of locations on the way.. since i have plans on the player getting lost more or less.. & based off the history of fallout i would like to pick a road that is a bit more rural & lacking in ncr/legion control.. & that also does not interfere with honest hearts & its travel route more or less.



- futuristteletex

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I asked for the pics, just to get an idea of your talent, as I really like the ideas here, and would be interested to help you out / work with you. But I didn't realize you wanted to do all the work yourself! Sorry bout that! :facepalm:
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sorry wasnt trying to be dickish since i respect your work a lot & those you are working with.


I am not completely against people helping out its just id rather not get others involved until more progress is made..


know what i mean? trying to do this as efficiently as possible to start out & dont want to drag anyone else into it right away.. plus this way i can work at my own pace etc... for a while.. especially since i have some other on going indie projects.

Edited by FuturistTeletex
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Thanks I appreciate it rj!


I think i have finally figured out the route for the mod to start from.. the player will leave from nellis.. a hole in the fence... that exits the player out towards the powerlines & i-15..


i love google maps!


i -15 even today is very barren.. & pretty flat! so this should make things work out pretty smoothly.. since i-15 is controlled by NCR in the other direction (heading towards vegas instead of away..) i figure they are trying to spread out up towards utah/arizona/colorado a bit.. so there will be some NCR patrols at the beginning of the quest.. warning you that its a dangerous area/road..

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