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Model/Texture mods disabling themselves.


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I have tried to download a few model/texture changing mods, and I enable them in NMM. But when I close NMM, and launch skyrim, I would test to see if the models changed, and they didn't. I would close skyrim, and open NMM, and the mod is now disabled. This started when I redownloaded skyrim on my flash drive instead of hard drive, but kept NMM in the same place. I did however make sure that NMM knows skyrim is in the location it is. In fact, my other, non-model mods downloaded in NMM work just fine, such as Inigo and Werewolf Mastery. Could someone tell me how to fix this?

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Your NMM VirtualInstall folder has to be on the same drive as Skyrim is. If it isn't, then you get problems exactly like you're describing.


If you have enough space on your flash drive (probably needs to be 64 GB or more), then you could try moving your VirtualInstall folder there. You'll have to tell NMM by clicking on the folder with an arrow and selecting "Change Virtual folders".


Unfortunately, this won't fix the hard links that NMM creates. You can fix them by disabling your mods and re-enabling them again. It's a good idea to save your load order first (Plugins tab -> Export button on the left) and then make sure that the order is the same after.


If you don't have enough space, then move Skyrim back to the old drive and disable/re-enable the mods.

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I moved everything NMM to the drive that skyrim is on, but it's still turning off the mod! The other mods I have, 3, all still work perfectly fine. I even loaded into my saves after all this and there weren't any "this save relies on content that is no longer there" messages. Yet still, every time I close NMM it disables the mod! I DON'T GET IT!


Edit: Alright I decided "screw using the manager, i'm just going to manually stuff the files in the right places myself. I already know where they go". So yeah. No more problems.

Edited by tjgamer01
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I just thought of something. Is it a USB memory stick? USB sticks are often formatted with a FAT32 or exFAT file system. These file systems do not support hard links, so the VirtualInstall system won't work properly. For it to work, it needs to be formatted as NTFS.


If this is the case, then you could back up everything from the USB drive, reformat it as NTFS, and then copy everything back.

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