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I'm a massive fan of the modder Belthan and his work from Fallout 3, Quo Vagis and the sequel Coito Ergo Sum. Two of the best mods I've ever had the good fortune to play.


What follows is purely what I've read - I am not claiming to have inside information and other than the occasional post I do not know Belthan in anyway.


From what I can tell, he originally planned to make it a trilogy with the development if "Vidi, Vici, Veni" for Fallout 4 but after deciding that there are issues with Fallout 4 he can't reconcile the project was cancelled. However on the Quo Vagis post pages he sticky'd the following....




"So here's the thing. I hate Fallout 4. I replayed it multiple times because I wanted it to be great, but the more I played the less I liked it. I've attempted to explain why in previous posts, and others have enumerated the flaws much more eloquently than I ever did, but it boils down to a matter of personal preference. At this point, don't try to convince me that I should like it, and I won't try to convince you that you shouldn't. I got physically sick just loading the game to test the handful of mods I made for it. I don't want to disappoint fans of Quo Vagis and Coito Ergo Sum, but I can't continue to compromise my health. I uninstalled the game and the CK. So, if Vidi, Vici, Veni is going to get made, it will have to be made by someone other than me. Hence, I'm looking for volunteers.

What I will do:

Serve as creative consultant for the mod
Provide plot outline for main quests and all of my notes on backstory of Lolipopz and associated NPCs
Write dialogue for principal characters
Record voice actors who are in geographic proximity to my studio (including Jeff and Krista)

What I can't do

Anything that requires the game or CK"


Essentially, he's been good enough to offer a massive amount of support - he just won't make the mod himself. At least that's how things stood in November last year - I've no idea if this is still the case.


I'd love to take the project on, but quite frankly a mod of this scope is completely out of range of my abilities as a modder. I'm fine with background stuff but anything that has anything to do with being creative or being able to work with anything but the simplest of actions in the render window is beyond me. Seriously - artistically I struggle with stick men and if you saw some of the abominations I've created in Bodyslide/outfit studio you'd be entitled to consider me mentally challenged. I struggle to even conceive or visualize what it is I'm trying to create, never mind being able to actually create it. I understand the theory of the process - I'm just incapable of putting the theory into practice.


I can and would be willing to help with anyone with the genuine skills and know how to take this project on.


I love Fallout 4 despite it's flaws - flaws of which so many of which have been so skillfully corrected by modders, I think of UF4P, Transfer Settlements (and CLAW for his awesome blueprints), Sim Settlements, Armor & Weaponsmith, The team behind Fusion City, Dr Nicks, O&R and now the brilliant Project Valkyrie, Worsin's WIPAG, Vivid Fallout, Heather Casdins creator and so many more. (I really do miss "Don't call me settler" - you don't realise how much you love something till it's gone....)


My point being - Fallout 4's biggest flaw for me at this stage is the absence of Lolipopz, Larry and "Vidi Vici Veni".


In lieu of the unlikely event of Belthan changing his mind - is there anybody out there who would consider taking this on?


I live in hope!



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