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I want to make my own leveled/loot list


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Well i use allot of armor/weapon standalone mods and they're a serious game improvement overt vanilla. Great job guys, but the only drawback is only being able to obtain them through smithing. So i was wondering whats involved with making up my own leveled/loot lists?? I'm familiar with how to install mods/ wrye bash/ mod manager and so on, but nothing more. I'm a fast learner however so if somebody can point me in the right direction i'll be able to get the hand of it.


I play the game on a high difficulty, no cheats. It's challenging and fun, but at the end of some of the epic battles, fur boots and iron daggers just ain't worth it.


I use the warzones mod too, lotsa fun.

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There's going to be a problem that you'll run into trying to do this. I don't think I can explain it very well. You should do a google search for "Oblivion Mod Isolation". Not sure if the solutions you'll find will actually work for Skyrim, but the description for the problem is still accurate.
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