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How to make textures HD ?


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I know how to make texture resolution to from: eg: 512x512 to 1024x1024 and i know how to create Normal Map

But what my problem is that when i downloaded 2K Skyrim's HD Textures i compared it to Vanilla Textures the 2K's clothes have something like increased color or something that makes them look HD

I thought it's only increased resolution but when i tried to increase Vanilla Textures Resolution it's not the same

Does anyone know how to make textures HD like that or does anyone know some tutorials for that ?



Banned for constantly making the same post - over and over


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I'd also like to know how to do this.


I used GIMP to make some 1024x1024 and 2048x2048 textures in FONV for a personal playerhousing mod, and muddled through ok when I started from high-resolution photographs of carpet/tile/wood etc, but I tried making the Falmer textures (the characters themselves, not any equipment etc.) 2048x2048 in GIMP and eventually gave up.


I tried googlin' around a bit for a tutorial but came up empty.

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Just increasing the image size won't make thing's HD. In the simplest (or rather, least complicated) of cases, you'll be able to put the image through some PS filters and some more direct hands on tool work to get it to look like proper HD, but in the majority of cases you'll have to actually redo the entire image. You'll find that just simply up-rezing will distort the image and often times this damage will be do forgone to correct. (Unless you're a god at Photoshop, but even then)


For instance, I'm currently (and finally for that matter) doing HD retextures of the Realswords Port (Like I said I would back before it got released) and I'm having to redo the entire image because us up-rezing and correcting the problems that come with it just isn't working with the the textures themselves, so I'm remaking the textures (using the original as a base, so I can pick up the exact details that were present and put them in the new one) using a variety of resources (mainly textures I've made myself).


In a nutshell, real HD textures almost always require some rather extensive Photoshop work.

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