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Dragon Souls for Perk Points


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I was just thinking, there's a mod out there that lets you trade dragon souls for perks through use of a dragon shrine, etc. But I thought it would be better for those of us who use modded perks to simply let us trade dragon souls for perk points. (maybe trade souls for level ups instead?) How difficult would this be to achieve? I tried to create my own, but I can't make heads or tails of anything related to creating my own mod.
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True, but that one requires script dragon. Is there an SKSE version? Or does someone know how to adapt it to SKSE?


EDIT: Found one that works without SKSE or Script Dragon. Trying it out now. Here's a link if anyone's interested: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18395?sid=BsCwBvBxtAyyyEuwHyDvvBCCyFFvyyHExEyEHtDH#content

Edited by Onar23
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