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Creation Kit lagging and freezing on every menu.


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I have a fairly high end PC (evga nvidia gtx 1070, quad core processor and 16gb of RAM) but, even having all of that the FO4GECK is unbearably slow and crashy. You see, I'm making a mods that needs some custom NPCs, like 12 or so and the bloody thing is taking a minute or two to update the facial change I made, the outfit file and the script too! Maybe that's because I'm using the GECK trough Mod Organizer, maybe not, but I'm almost pulling my hair off on these bloody menus ;-;

Is there a way to make the thing go faster or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for replying :)

Edited by K177J0Y
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It's just a huge program with thousands of files to sort everytime you do anything. My pc is a monster and still takes time to load different things sometimes. You just kinda have to learn what to do and what not to do to avoid it if you can. I'd try loading as few master files as necessary to make your mod.
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Some suggestions:

-To give context I've gone from CK crashing every 30 minutes to having CK open and being used for a weeks+ straight without issues / crashes.


CK is a bit of a memory hog and doesn't seem to like to released used memory after use, using a program to force release reserved memory helps, or reboots


CK is a bit of a memory hog, having everything closed besides CK often helps.


Editing the CreationKit INI to increase the number of cores it can use "seems" to help. Use the values from your fallout ini's and the fallout4configurarion tool.


Limiting the number of plugin's and loose files you have in your install directory significantly helps.


Checking your nifs / cleaning them (there is a tutorial on nexus) significantly helps, having one iffy Nif can result in random CTD's


Checking your plugin for invalid usage helps as well..

What works in FO4 can cause instability (indicating you should not configure that reference in that manor)

, examples would be Weapons on an Oufit, Scripted actors on LChar tables, it's possible to have circular lists that don't cause a CTD starting Fallout4 but will cause instability or crashing on launch of CK.

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My question is for the op. Are you using a ssd? Bc honestly I can only imagine how stupid and slow the ck would be on a regular mechanical harddrive. I have a 850 or 860 pro and its usually a beast but the ck brings it to its knees. It's kinda small 256g and its basically full. I just bought a 1tb 850 evo, but waiting until I finish the mod I'm working on b4 I migrate system disk ect.


As far as stability of the ck. I've used it for hours on end and it rarely if ever crashes. The only thing that is a surefire way to crash it is to remove stages from a quest. At least for me it's like a 99% chance.

Edited by markyrocks
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I really need to take the time to finish the CreationKit wiki pages I keep promising to do.


EncXxxx actors are "templates", and are designed to be references for LvlXxxxx (leveled Actors) to use.


LvlActors (WorkshopNPC for example) are usually the NPCs hand placed in the world, added to quests, and either use Direct Template Actors, or LChar tables to randomly pull data from, be it traits, stats or inventory


Templates are not supposed to have scripts attached to them, and / or be placed on leveled lists, as I understand it, for a number of reasons.


Templates also should never refer to another "Template Table" (LCharXxx) but can point at another Encxxxx actor to pull data from.


I recently edited 3,950 human NPCs in creation kit over the course of 9+\- months, and one of the things I picked up is "why" CK is so slow with NPC's and the edits.


Besides generating a preview of human NPCs differently than "monsters" it's also loading the referenced NPCs.


So "usually" if you make a change to a template npc used by let's say 5 other NPCs, it will have those changes ready and instantly make those edits to any related npc you open.


So in short, often it's not loading (1) NPC, but effectly loading several at the same time, as it looks at, pulls data from and updates the npc you have open, based off any "templates" that npc uses.

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>"Templates are not supposed to have scripts attached to them, and / or be placed on leveled lists, as I understand it, for a number of reasons."


Exactly, trying to add an actor with script attached to an LChar list errors; "This NPC can't be added to the list, because it ... is scripted". I'm trying to understand why (because, because).

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>"Templates are not supposed to have scripts attached to them, and / or be placed on leveled lists, as I understand it, for a number of reasons."


Exactly, trying to add an actor with script attached to an LChar list errors; "This NPC can't be added to the list, because it ... is scripted". I'm trying to understand why (because, because).



I tried to wrap my head around it... deep

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