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Hidden Stat Increases?

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I was just casually browsing my pip-boy today when i came across some rather unexpected stat bonuses. Now, ive seen threads like this before and it usually just boils down to item effects or chem addictions. I removed all apparel, checked EFF in the pip-boy. Nothing. and yet my stats were all still boosted.


Energy Weapons: Should be 75 (Appears as 86 [+])

Explosives: Should be 80 (Appears as 91 [+])

Lockpick: Is 100 Legit (But appears as 100[+])


Putting 2 and 2 together i realised this has something to do with the Perception Attribute. Low and Behold, that is also boosted to 10 [+] from 8.


Could somebody tell me what is going on, little discrepancies like this REALLY bug me! can someone show me a fix or whatnot?


Thankyou all!






Oh, Also... dont bother with have you tried mod/set/forceav <skill> to <variable>... it doesnt work.

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  On 6/10/2012 at 6:22 PM, viennacalling said:

Could be a perk or a trait, either from the vanilla game or a mod if you are using any.


Ive checked buddy, at first i thought it was the "Night Person" Perk but i realised i didnt even have it. Ive even downloaded the Mod "Rebirth" and reset my character back to basics. its still there!

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  On 6/11/2012 at 12:51 AM, luthienanarion said:

Use ModAV with a negative value, then.




As the first post stated, ive tried every variation of mod/set/forceav. with negative and positive values from both 0 to 100, ive emptyed my inventory, taken a crap load of chems and skill books (thinking the effect would "wear off") uninstalled all mods, and reset my character to a lvl 1 newb through Rebirth. nothing removes the bonuses, although...your link does suggest Damage/Restore Actor Values. ill try that tonight.


Edit: Thing is, Im a HEAVY Roleplayer, my stats have to be exact or my character doesnt feel right. having these bonuses is ruining the immersion.

Also, before anyone suggests starting again, that is nothing but a Last Resort option, i have spent 200+ hours on this character, collecting all of the WMX Weapon Mods and Unique Weapons. Starting again is NOT something i am willing to do.

Edited by BigBritishGuy
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