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Magicka in red


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First of all, I wasn't sure where to put this so I tried my luck here. If this is the wrong place... Well sorry 'bout that.


Anyway, I noticed that while I was playing that my magicka was in red. I figured it was a spell or a disease that was effecting me so I took a potion to solve it.


No result.


I thought it might be a spell I had active. I have this mod, see that allows a spell to remain active virtually all the time in return that you spent a permanent amount of magicka as long the spell is active. So I used the modded disspell all and checked again.


No effect.


I thought it might be because I rarely sleep in an inn. So I rent a room sleep for a full twenty four hours to see if i get that well rested bonus or/and I get rid of the red magicka.


No and no.


Either I'm missing the obvious here or it's a mod that's effecting me or something. I can level up just fine and my magicka number increases accordingly. What can I do to try and solve this?






I figured I could try and see if it was a blessing or something but no effect there either. I don't think it's because of a vampire effect because that would show up in active effects right?


Am I missing the obvious here?

Edited by kingdark
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I'm guessing I put this in the wrong category but I don't think I should create a new identical topic elsewhere. What am I missing here? could it be a mod that's doing something? Or pehaps a corrupt file?
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On occasion I've had the UI not showing all the effects that are indeed active, so I don't think that's a foolproof system.


Not sure if this is what you're after, but a quick and dirty fix might be to go into console and type "modav magicka 1" to increase your magicka (won't affect the base value) by one point, and repeat until the red disappears. Or try a bigger number and roll back if you overshoot by putting a minus sign in front of whatever number you choose. (Make sure you're not wearing any magicka buffing attire).

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I meant that it just might be easier to see when magicka is back its base level (ie where it just shows white or gray or whatever) if you're not wearing any magicka-buffing attire at the time you adjust it. Then put on your buffed attire afterwards and be confident that the green is from your clothes/rings etc. and not from over-adjusting via modav.
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Oh. I tried that trick though. A friend on steam told me to try the same. I tried adding a hundred magicka and that didn't help. Should I add some drastic numbers like +1000 or just a few more hundred?
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Oh. I tried that trick though. A friend on steam told me to try the same. I tried adding a hundred magicka and that didn't help. Should I add some drastic numbers like +1000 or just a few more hundred?


holy crap... geez, yeah, no harm in trying the big numbers (I don't think) since you can always roll it back. Although, and this is nothing but an absolute guess, I might be a bit leary about goin' for the four-digit boost in case something about the code can only handle 3 digits and goes wonky once things hit 1000+. That could be just my skyrim worry-wart-itis at play though - it's just that the game seems so flippin' fragile sometimes, ya know?

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I've decided to simply start a new game. Did you know that I have played with more then four characters and none of them got over level twenty five?
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Hi ummm, i go by crazy2426 or stitch2426 on allot of stuff but i play the game i played it allot back then and i have same problem 10 days into game i battle allot and due to that and with no sleep best thing to actually due is curse/poison/ not being blessed. So I am saying be blessed allot and possibly rest every so often if you don't to keep everything being in red to long. As of right now since I am getting back into game due to lost progress I forgot allot but relearning. I hoped I has helped.

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