Speedsters Posted September 11, 2018 Share Posted September 11, 2018 (edited) Please check if there is something wrong with these or incompatibilities. I used LOOT order 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 BSAssets.esm 7 7 BSHeartland.esm 8 8 SkyMoMod.esm 9 9 arnima.esm 10 a AP Skyrim.esm 11 b WM Flora Fixes.esp 12 c ETaC - RESOURCES.esm 13 d ApachiiHair.esm 14 e hdtHighHeel.esm 15 f BS_DLC_patch.esp 16 10 Campfire.esm 17 11 Falskaar.esm 18 12 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm 19 13 notice board.esp 20 14 UndergroundBathhouse.esm 21 15 RaceCompatibility.esm 22 16 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 23 17 RSkyrimChildren.esm 24 18 EFFCore.esm 25 19 HighResTexturePack01.esp 26 1a HighResTexturePack02.esp 27 1b HighResTexturePack03.esp 28 1c Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp 29 1d Cutting Room Floor.esp 30 1e ub_cell_bedroom.esp 31 1f ub_cell_dislayroom.esp 32 20 ub_cell_darkarea.esp 33 21 ub_cell_cavern.esp 34 22 ub_cell_maintenance_room.esp 35 23 ub_cell_kitchen.esp 36 24 ub_npc_rework.esp 37 25 Falskaar Wildlife.esp 38 26 Convenient Horses - Faster Sprint.esp 39 27 Convenient Horses.esp 40 28 Convenient Horses - Unique Frost.esp 41 29 PrettyMotionMCM.esp 42 2a FNIS_PCEA2.esp 43 2b The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp 44 2c SOSRaceMenu.esp 45 2d XPMSE.esp 46 2e FNISSexyMove.esp 47 2f FNIS.esp 48 30 HentaiGaleArmor.esp 49 31 HentaisJamellaArmor.esp 50 32 HentaiMaxiArmor.esp 51 33 HentaiNightmareArmor.esp 52 34 HentaiCasualWears.esp 53 35 DCSorceress.esp 54 36 HDT Capes.esp 55 37 Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp ETaC - Better Dynamic Snow Patch.esp 56 38 LindsSpellslinger.esp 57 39 LindsWoodlandAlchemist.esp 58 3a UNP Simply Clothes.esp 59 3b UNP Undies.esp 60 3c TavernClothes-MTM.esp 61 3d PST - Bruma Patch.esp 62 3e Projectile Speed Tweak.esp 63 3f KS Hairdos - HDT.esp 64 40 KS Hairdo's.esp 65 41 Brows.esp 66 42 DineWithFollowers.esp 67 43 SkyUI.esp 68 44 Dual Sheath Redux.esp 69 45 RealisticRoomRental.esp 70 46 WetandCold.esp 71 47 WetandCold - Ashes.esp 72 48 Rigmor.esp 73 49 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hardcore.esp 74 4a Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp 75 4b Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 76 4c LyPlayerVoice.esp 77 4d Rebirth Monster.esp 78 4e UndergarmentsForAll.esp 79 4f CACO_True Fortify Effects for Magic Skills.esp 80 50 RDO - CACO Patch.esp 81 51 Facelight.esp 82 52 Falskaar - Temper Recipes.esp 83 53 Beyond Reach - Delayed Quest Start.esp 84 54 Beyond Reach - Shields and Cloaks.esp 85 55 Beyond Reach - Temper Recipes.esp 86 56 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp 87 57 SGEyebrows.esp 88 58 BSHeartland - Meshes.esp 89 59 BSHeartland - Textures.esp 90 5a Lively Followers.esp 91 5b R.B Serana&Valerica Replacer.esp 92 5c 3DNPC.esp 93 5d ETaC - Complete.esp 94 5e Tamriel Reloaded Flora.esp 95 5f SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp 96 60 Tembtra Thief Armor.esp 97 61 Blues Skyrim.esp 98 62 DawnofSkyrim-AllMajorCities.esp RRR_ELFX-Patch.esp 99 63 Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp100 64 ZF Primary Needs.esp101 65 Northern Bathhouses.esp SoS_ELFX+Hardcore+Weathers_Patch.esp SoS_ELE_Patch.esp102 66 ub_cell_teleportroom.esp103 67 ub_cell_armory.esp104 68 ub_adoption_hearthfire_extention.esp105 69 ub_invite_any_npc.esp106 6a OBIS.esp107 6b TradeRoutes.esp108 6c RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp109 6d Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp110 6e Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp111 6f Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp112 70 Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp113 71 Immersive Weapons.esp114 72 High Level Enemies - SIC.esp115 73 High Level Enemies - SIC Falskaar.esp116 74 Sexy Armor Replacer Patch.esp117 75 BlackSacramentDBReplacer.esp118 76 SoS_CoT_Patch.esp119 77 ETaC - Complete RSC Patch.esp120 78 EFFDialogue.esp121 79 RDO - EFF v4.0.2 Patch.esp122 7a DawnOfSkyrimWolfFollowerPatch.esp123 7b R18Pn - Inner Wear Set.esp124 7c R18Pn - Fiona Armor.esp125 7d zzjayHentaisConversions.esp126 7e TradeRoutes-ETaC-Patch.esp127 7f HearthfireMultiKid.esp128 80 Size Does Matter.esp129 81 HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp130 82 Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp131 83 DFB - Random Encounters.esp132 84 TradeRoutes-RNaD-Patch.esp133 85 dovahkiinrelax.esp134 86 RDO - USLEEP Patch.esp135 87 ZF TrapsDiseasesPoison.esp136 88 HarvestOverhaul.esp137 89 WM Flora Fixes HO Patch.esp138 8a HarvestOverhaulCreatures.esp139 8b HarvestOverhaulCreatures_RND_Animal_Loot_All_DLC.esp140 8c Beyond Reach - Skyrim Border Tweak.esp141 8d Beyond Reach - Notice Board.esp142 8e Falskaar - Notice Board.esp143 8f GrassOnSteroids_TamrielReloadedGrass.esp Grass_On_Steroids_SFO.esp144 90 OBIS DG Faction Patch.esp145 91 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp146 92 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp147 93 ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Cold.esp148 94 ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-1.esp149 95 TreaclemanFalskaarPatch.esp150 96 OrientalRace.esp151 97 BnS_HongMoonGarb.esp152 98 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp153 99 SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp154 9a SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp155 9b RSChildren.esp156 9c RSChildren Patch - USLEEP.esp157 9d RSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.esp158 9e Aspen Manor.esp159 9f HOPv - Horses On Patrol - Vanilla.esp160 a0 BFT Ships and Carriages.esp161 a1 Immersive Whiterun.esp162 a2 Immersive Dawnstar.esp163 a3 Cloaks.esp164 a4 Ursine Armor Pack.esp165 a5 BulwarkRugFix.esp166 a6 Immersive Riverwood.esp167 a7 Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp168 a8 HOP - Horses On Patrol - Dawnguard.esp169 a9 ETaC - Complete Rigmor Patch.esp170 aa Immersive Falkreath.esp171 ab Immersive Stables 2.0.esp172 ac Immersive Rorikstead.esp173 ad RRR_3DNPC-Patch.esp174 ae Immersive Morthal.esp175 af Hunterborn.esp176 b0 Immersive Patrols II.esp177 b1 Immersive Ivarstead.esp178 b2 Frostfall.esp179 b3 bathhouse.esp180 b4 Immersive Dragon Bridge.esp181 b5 Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp182 b6 SoSFC.esp183 b7 Immersive Armors for NPC's Revisited DG.esp184 b8 DeadlyMutilation.esp185 b9 HOPs - Horses On Patrol - Stormcloaks.esp186 ba Immersive Shors stone.esp187 bb RabbitsOfSkyrim.esp188 bc Jotunheim.esp189 bd Immersive Karthwasten.esp190 be ShowersInInns.esp191 bf Immersive Darkwater crossing.esp192 c0 Immersive Stonehills.esp193 c1 Immersive Kynesgrove.esp194 c2 Bandit Patrols.esp195 c3 Killmove Control.esp196 c4 HOPo - Horses On Patrol - Extra Orcs.esp197 c5 Qasmoke.esp198 c6 BlackSacramentArmor.esp199 c7 Osare Underwear.esp200 c8 Osare Panty.esp201 c9 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp202 ca Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp203 cb EnhancedBlood-ImprovedCombatSounds.esp204 cc dD-DG-DB-Immersive Creatures EBT Patch.esp205 cd dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp206 ce Purewaters.esp207 cf CrainteVomir.esp208 d0 EtherealEdge.esp209 d1 Bishu Osafune-ju Morikage.esp210 d2 Fudou Myouou.esp211 d3 mjp_FalcataSword.esp212 d4 Blazefire Saber.esp213 d5 ScopedBows.esp214 d6 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp215 d7 ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp216 d8 InsanityEbonySword.esp217 d9 ElementalArrows.esp218 da PST - Elemental Arrows Patch.esp219 db PST - Immersive Weapons Patch.esp220 dc FollowerWander2.esp221 dd UIExtensions.esp222 de Aisha.esp223 df FollowerWander2Serana.esp224 e0 My Home Is Your Home.esp225 e1 CanCho_YunsolFollower.esp226 e2 MonnoBikini.esp227 e3 voidMountedFollowers.esp228 e4 EOMSIC_YunsolCustomVoiceFollower.esp229 e5 OK_Airi.esp230 e6 Lamae.esp231 e7 Follower Onean.esp232 e8 Overknee_Lamia.esp233 e9 Emma.esp234 ea FollowerLivePackage.esp235 eb Hermit.esp236 ec RDO - Follower Live Package Patch.esp237 ed FollowerLivePackage-EFFCore.esp238 ee RSChildren - CRF Patch.esp239 ef RaceMenu.esp240 f0 RaceMenuPlugin.esp241 f1 The Ningheim.esp242 f2 ZF Primary Needs Patch.esp243 f3 Bikini-MTM.esp244 f4 SMIM-DragonbornTernFix.esp245 f5 SMIM-DungeonsCliffsIceSkirts.esp246 f6 SMIM-FarmhouseFlickeringFix.esp247 f7 ContinueGameNoCrash.esp248 f8 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp249 f9 ASIS-Dependency.esp250 fa Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp251 fb ASIS.esp Edited September 12, 2018 by Speedsters Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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