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Solution to vicious bug, finally (Battle of Whiterun can not complete)


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The problem:

You are fighting for the Stormcloaks, defeat the Whiterun defenders, but can not report victory to Ulfric.


The cause:

You hit one of the friendly Stormcloak soldiers in final fight against the Jarl Bulgruf. That results in Windhelm bounty.


The Solution:

Be careful not to hit any friendly soldier. Stay out of the melee, hit enemies with magic rather than blade.


How did i discover it:

I was pretty much frustrated, so I tried traveling to Windhelm Stables and walking into the city. When I got there, a group of city guards were waiting for me, demanding me to pay a bounty. I reloaded previous save, fought carefully inside Dragonsreach. Then I went to Ulfric, he gave me the blade and everything went just as it is supposed to.

Edited by askfor
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  • 3 months later...

My previous post was only partly correct. I tried few more times and here is what I learned.


First, when you enter the Dragonsreach, Jarl Bulgurf and Irileth seem to be placed into Windhelm faction for the duration of their conversation. Irileth advises Jarl to stay out of battle and he refuses.. Me, I am more like "strike first, strike hard" kind of person, so I hit both with destruction magic, while they were still talking. That earned me a bounty in Windhelm. One must wait until the conversation is over.


Second, there are other issues to look after. After Jarl surrenders, one should not leave Dragonsreach until all of Jarl's people depart to Jarl's Quarters. Otherwise some of them might get stuck remain after the battle.


When reporting to Ulfric, make sure that he is in his bedroom, otherwise there will be no dialog option. If he is not in his bedroom, one must wait until he goes there.

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