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Healer spellblade companion?


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I am looking for a spellblade companion that focuses on restoration magic to use with SkyRe. SkyRe has a heavily changed restoration tree, and I really want to ditch Lydia and Jenassa, and just get a good looking female companion that uses a sword in her main hand, and spells in her off. Wards and healing only.


The only mods I could find on the nexus so far were a ridiculously OP spellblade that didnt work, because the perks didnt exist in SkyRe that it added to her, and a magey healer, which likely wouldnt work as well, due to perks not existing in SkyRe.


If anyone would do this, I would love you forever, and possibly float a donation your way come payday.


And if she was Argonian, I may even toss a hug in there too.

Edited by vegeta0585
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I tried making one using the NPC editor, but it didnt save any changed applied from any ESM other than skyrim.esm, and causes an immediate CTD :(
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