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Atlantis Island Mod


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I'm planning to make a Atlantis Island mod. It compose of 4 rings island. But I will make only 3 rings, I will not include the large ring island.

This the layout so you have idea.



what do you think of this? Any idea or feedback you can share is welcome.


The circle I put on the map is the location


Edited by ton822
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This is cool but could you also include the outer ring? in my eyes you could add so much more to the outer ring? perhaps fill it with dangerous animals to effectively give challenge to getting to the city?


Another thought is treat it like the Skyrim wilderness and as it as the outer cities wilderness in effect being a place to have plants growing for potion making or wandering rogues... nasty animals? (Might be cool if you added some of the Lost City of Atlantis Sea Monsters as they would have been before the island sank?)

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