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Advskill console command acting strange


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So, yesterday was playing Skyrim fine and dandy. I was messing around with character leveling for different skills using the advskill console command. Everything worked perfectly.


And then Windows forced me to install the April Update for Win10.


Come back today, start up Skyrim, made a new character for the fun of it, decided to mess with the skill leveling again...Advskill command now returns with the message IsCurrentFurnitureObj > 0.00

I mean, it'll still level up my characters skills...but in all the years I've played Skyrim, I've NEVER had the advskill command return with the message IsCurrentFurnitureObj > 0.00

I don't know what the hell happened, but I'm convinced that somehow, the April Update of Win10 changed something within my games files. Because this return message didn't show up yesterday when I was using the Advskill command. So...it's kind of confusing and annoying at the same time, and am wondering if there is a way to find out what has been changed that that specific command now returns with that message. Anyone have any idea what may be causing this?

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