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Cant seem to kill or deal damage to certian things(skelletons)


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OK, so for some reason, and things were going just fine, after i upgraded to the 1.5 something patch, I cant seem to hurt things like skelletons or mudcrabs... all that happens is i do a power attach imediatly and i deal no damage... every time i swing at them i do a power attack, hell i cant even sheild bash them, instead it just does the power attack, I can light them on fire with a spell, and that seems to work, but even a oddly handy horse who came by couldent seem to do physical damage.... what the hell??? I tried going back to a save before this happened but that didnt work, also, mind you, things were going just fine after the update, it was just in the last hour that it happened and i had been playing on it for about an hour prior, I DONT like updating, I was using the 1.2 for a long time as when i tried to update to 1.3 it screwed up my performance, but now cause of mods I had to upgrade to the barrest min that i could.... (btw mods wich i tried removing to see if that would fix it but nothing did anything...) This is what it looks like....




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@wse_jack, hi, it would help people help you troubleshoot if you posted the contents of your DLCList.txt here.

(do a search for it in your systemdrive)

as you probably suspect, its probably one of the mods you installed messing up combat.

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dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp

Epic Dual Wielding V 1.3-A.esp

dD-No Vanilla Hit Blood Decals Placement.esp

Crimson Tide - Blood.esp

dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp

dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp

Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp

IMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp


keep in mind that ive uninstalled all of them and to no avail

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