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Conditions with Papyrus scripting


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I'm quite new to modding (and scripting in general), so far I managed to use only a "few" conditions successfully (Such as Getitemcount and some other "Game.getplayer") but I was unlucky with some other and no matter how much I looked to complete script examples or various tutorials, I couldn't find a way to make them work through papyrus, so here I am :P.


What I'm looking to do is to make a trigger with a message popping up when there's a particular weather, something like that:



Scriptname ExampleTrigger extends ObjectReference


Event OnTriggerEnter(Weather Rain)

if(rain == Game.GetPlayer().israining) ;

Debug.MessageBox("It's raining!")





Which doesn't seem to be working, I know the condition (In dialogue atleast) is called "israining", but I just don't know how to set it up on a papyrus script (may it be a trigger or other).


In the trigger example it was originally "(ObjectReference akActionRef)" but I figured out "akactionref" is the propriety I have to set as rain while it can't be objectreference as I can't choose the rain climate as an objectreference but it's instead "weather".

I also looked various proprieties and stuff regarding Weather, climate, small examples in creationkit official website hoping I would "guess" the right way to set it up but no luck.


Any help/suggestion you can give me is highly appreciated =).

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Weather CurrentWeather = Weather.GetCurrentWeather()

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
        if CurrentWeather.GetClassification() == 2
            Debug.MessageBox("It's raining!")
            Debug.MessageBox("It's not raining!")


Can't test it myself, so i don't really know if it could work!


EDIT: Obviously the Scriptname bla bla bla is still there at the beginning

Edited by gasti89
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Thank you! :) I'll test it right now.


I get three errors when compiling:


no viable alternative at input 'Weather'

required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '.'

Unknown user flag Weather



In first and third one, correct me if I'm wrong, I should put a propriety "weather" with the rain climate (?)

While the second error I have no idea what that means xD If it's because of an unset propriety or something else.

Edited by Xilante
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Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
        if Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetClassification() == 2
            Debug.MessageBox("It's raining!")
            Debug.MessageBox("It's not raining!")


Try this, delete the first line from the previous script

Edited by gasti89
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I think there was a mistake on the 1st script, you can also try this (i'm still a scripting noob, so i take stuff from CKwiki)


Weather CurrentWeather

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    Weather CurrentWeather = Weather.GetCurrentWeather()
    if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
        if CurrentWeather.GetClassification() == 2
            Debug.MessageBox("It's raining!")
            Debug.MessageBox("It's not raining!")

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The first one worked perfectly! =) Thank you a lot!

And you're not a noob! or at least you're way way more better than me, I tried for days and days by looking countless times at CKwiki and couldn't even come close to what you wrote in a few minutes =P Definitively helped me a lot! *Gives a kudo*

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