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Bos Battle Medic Goggles w/ Special Ops Goggles effects


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Tried many times myself to make this work, but with no success. I am really wanting to use the BoS Medic Goggles and mask, but they are basically UN-upgradable at the workbench.


The recently released Special Ops goggles have the effects I am looking for, and use MCM to choose and toggle effects as needed via hotkey. However, the model used is not nearly as nice as the one from the BoS Medic mod, and when combined with the mask from that mod it looks terrible.


If someone could simply get the mesh/tex/mat files from the BoS Medic mod and plug them into the Special Ops Goggles, or add all the effects/scripts from the Special Ops to the BoS Medic, I would be very grateful.


Thanks in advance!

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