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Invisible Odahviing!!


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i don't know when it started but when i called for Odahviing, i heard his fire breath and his dragon sound but ... i couldn't find him anywhere , i could see the fire breath coming from the sky but the source ( odahviing) .... was invisible :blink: :wallbash:


it seems that even the other creatures including dragons cant see him lol :ninja: :tongue:

hmmm ... i think it's good to have an invisible dragon ally with you :laugh:


but i can't see him anymore :(

Edited by Misakichun
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@Misakichun, invisible ally lol.. Odahviing might be alittle buggy in the game, you can try reloading that location i guess.

There also reports of Odahviing not appearing when called or he appears but just flies around and doesn't attack and

has also been seen just flying around with other dragons after being called lol.

There are no current fixes to these issues.

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