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Fort Strong Rebuilt and occupied by BOS?


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I'm looking to see if anyone would be interested in creating a mod similar to the Cambridge Police Station Overhaul which adds beds, fixes some of the debris, adds more BoS npcs, etc and does all of this to Fort Strong.


Fort Strong is spoken of by the BOS as being a strongly defensible location, yet all they do is strip the place and then leave it vacant. Ideally the changes by the mod would be triggered after completing the quest where you go there for the BOS, perhaps not allowing for a full settlement but does allow basic accommodations which could be used as a player apartment. Perhaps with some additional beds and such for those using a multi-follower mod like Amazing Follower Tweaks.


There are a couple of mods that started working on Fort Strong, but all of them appear to have been abandoned. Anyone willing to pick up the torch?

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According to CookieMonster9000 (the mod author):

I will no longer be working on this mod as my Hard drive failed and I lost all Unpublished files, so any modder who wants to change,update, or edit this are welcome. Just give me credit for the bones. Sorry for the inconvenience.


So yeah, that looks abandoned. On the other hand, this particular mod was the closest one to what I had in mind, and honestly the work he has already done on it is really good. On the upside it is the most recent as well and for RP purposes I suppose simply activating the mod after the quest would be a decent enough work around barring a better solution.

Edited by lazloarcadia
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