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Sword of Justice


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Hi guys I just wanted to show you something that I have been working on recently, that being Tyrael's sword from the Diablo, now I myself am not an avid fan of Diablo but that is because I have never had the chance to play the games maybe someday that will change. However I just wanted to gather some feedback from anyone who is a devoted follower and can make some relevant suggestions. It is still early day's this mesh only took me a day to do and probably won't be completed until the end of the month with me being more preoccupied than I'd like but that's life so for now enjoy these pics that I will regularly update to show its progress.



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Looks quite nice. What I would suggest is putting an extensive amount of work into A. Making the blade actually look sharp and B. Giving it a decent texture. So many mods on the nexus are sword mods, with really nice looking meshes, but the textures look absolutely crap. It makes the mod really miss-out on what it could have been. Don't make the same mistake :D
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