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Quest target that is in a inn (Ck issue)


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I have a quest where I want the target to be in a inn and only in a inn, I made an alias for the location with the loctypeInn as a keyword, and then I made a *QuestTarget* alias with the HasSameEditorLocAsRefAlias condition with my location alias and keword loctypeinn. But If I try to talk to my quest target, the quest doesnt start and I have a feeling that it is because of the loctypeinn location since I dont have any problem with my other quest that use the loctypecity keyword instead. I am just having that problem with the inn.


I found this page in the creationkit. http://www.creationkit.com/How_to_fill_a_location_alias_with_a_child_location


but I seem to be unable to make it work (maybe I dont understand what they really say, idk), anyone would be able to give me a simple explanation of how to make it work?


Thanks in advance

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Maybe you skipped this part?

First you need to fill a reference alias with something you know is in the parent location. Easy way to do that is to fill it using ref type of "LocationCenterMarker".



I actually did that part. I created a reference alias called locCity, at find matching reference, I added locationhasreftype locationcentermarker.


Once I was done, I did my location alias that I named Location, at find matching reference, I added the hasSameEditorAsrefalias and I entered my locCity alias with the keyword loctypeInn.


And finally on my Quest target alias,at find matching reference, I added hasSameEditorAsrefalias .




I must have something missing or one of my alias must be wrong.

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Uhm, so i think that the culprit is the final "quest target".


Quoting from Ckwiki


Click the radio button for "Location Alias Reference;" this will let us pick any of the references that a location potentially contains. Select "ThiefLocation" from the first pull-down menu, and "Boss" from the Ref Type pull-down.


So i think that in order to pick a NPC inside any inn, you have to put the inn as location reference. If (let's say), the target must be the innkeeper, you have to specify other conditions.


EDIT: also, don't know if you already did it, don't make mistakes with the order of the aliases! Seed Alias first, the centermarker, then child location, then target.


EDIT2: You also have to specify the location ref type (let's say innkeeper) that the story manager must find inside the inn to fill the alias.

Edited by gasti89
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